Chapter 4

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I got bored earlier so I decided to take a little walk at the nearest park from the building I'm living in. I spent more than 30 minutes there, before going home.

As I stepped a foot in the building, the elevator opened at the same time. I saw Zhao Yunlan smiling at the woman next to him. I looked down and resumed walking towards the elevator, acting as if I didn't saw anything. Good thing they walked straight away. I sighed.

So he was with that woman, huh? Maybe that's why he didn't go back to atleast get his clothes back. Smiling while looking at her, I know what he thinks. I— I should stop thinking about him. Why do I keep on bothering myself about him?

I threw myself to my bed and covered my face with a pillow. I should not be affected with that sight. Why can't I erase that scene? Him looking at someone with a bright smile. Ugh! Shen Wei, keep yourself calm.

"I'll take a bath. Maybe that'll help me freshen up." I silently murmured.

As I walked out of my bedroom, my head turned to the direction where Zhao Yunlan's clothes were put. I didn't try touching it, I don't have the right to touch those. I made him feel bad because of how I acted earlier. But I'm just being true to what I feel. I need my personal space to be private. My personal space is not something a stranger or an acquaintance should interfere with.

I shrugged my shoulders off and went to the bathroom to take a shower. Thank goodness, there's nothing weird that happened tonight. Except for what I saw earlier.


I decided to buy pancakes for breakfast. This kind of food isn't new to me. There are actually few things which isn't the same from the world I came from and this world I'm living in now. It's just that, the environment is quite different because this world lacks in yellow energy.

I was going to enter the building but someone blocked my way. It's Zhao Yunlan and he has this bored expression. He seemed lost, maybe because he just woke up.

He walked passed me. Not saying anything. I was surprised of course. Whenever we meet it's always him who starts a conversation. Is he mad at me?

Maybe he really is mad. He has the right to be mad but he should know that he's on fault. Yesterday was a mess. I ate what he cook and in all fairness it was good. While eating I couldn't help but feel bad. He made a lot of effort but I made him walk away. I don't know what to think until now. He already said sorry, I should've accepted that but I was too closed minded.

All my thoughts flew away as my cellphone rings. I put the plate I'm holding and answered the call.

"Hello?" I spoke.

"Good morning, Sir. Is this Mr. Shen Wei?" the person on the other side of the phone call said.

"Yes. What can I do for you?"

"I'm from the bakeshop you applied in for. And I want to let you know that you can start working tomorrow. You got hired, congratulations!"

I smiled as I heard that news. I won't be depending my life on the zings I have.

"Thank you so much. Please let Mrs. Wang know that I am deeply thankful." I politely replied.

"Okay, Sir. See you tomorrow!" she then ended the call after hearing my reply, "Okay. Thank you. See you!"

I ate my breakfast happily. I wasn't able to think of anything except for what I will wear and do on my first day of work in this world.

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