Chapter 6

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Soft breeze of wind can be felt in the 6th Avenue. Shen Wei who just got out of the bakeshop he is working in, walked with an obvious smile. His eyes are fixed on Zhao Yunlan who is leaning on the car.

"Wanna go home with me?" Zhao Yunlan asked Shen Wei with a smiling face.

"Can I reject you, Chief?" Shen Wei replied, chuckling.

"Of course! You can't." the both of them laughed.

"Let's go home, Chief. I'm a little tired, I want to have an early rest."

"Okay, no problem." Zhao Yunlan said and assisted Shen Wei to enter the car.

They left and while on their way home, they talked as if they've known each other for a long time. Shen Wei is quite talkative at this moment and unconsciously joked about what happened to them last time.

"Hm... Let me say sorry again. I know you felt bad because I entered your unit without asking for permission. But I really don't have any bad intention that time. I just thought of surprising you, that's it."

"I didn't mean to say that. But it's okay. I've thought about that too. And I felt bad as well because you put so much effort in making that dish. And you didn't able to eat it, that was good though." Shen Wei replied.

Zhao Yunlan smiled and took a glance at Shen Wei.

"So, Little Wei ate what I prepared, huh?" Shen Wei was left speechless. It took him 10 seconds or more to compose a reply.

"O-Of course. It would be a waste if I'll throw those away, right?"

"Mmkay, that would really be a waste." Zhao Yunlan sarcastically stated.

Shen Wei was fast to throw a soft punch on Zhao Yunlan's right arm. Zhao Yunlan only laughed and Shen Wei remained silent. From then, Shen Wei's cold personality dominated. He only nods, shakes his head and reply "Mm." as a response.

When they got off the elevator, Zhao Yunlan tried to start another conversation and seems like Shen Wei's coldness went away. That fast.

"You got lots of customers. Lots of women." Zhao Yunlan laughed.

"It was a tough working day. And it's my first day there." Shen Wei replied, not minding what Zhao Yunlan was trying to mean.

"More will come in the next days, trust me." Zhao Yunlan said while wiggling his eyebrows to Shen Wei.

"I'll go upstairs, now!" the Chief said while Shen Wei just nodded.

"Thank you, by the way. Uhm, for the ride." Shen Wei smiled after realizing he owes Zhao Yunlan.

"You're welcome. Thank you also, for going home with me."

Shen Wei closed the door while shaking his head. Zhao Yunlan waved and went to the stairs to go to his unit. He didn't mind using the elevator this time, he's in good mood to use the stairs.


As I entered my unit I changed my clothes. I wore a fitted gray T-shirt paired with a knee-length shorts.

I reached for my phone when I heard it ringing. It's Shen Wei, he missed me already? We just split-up a few minutes ago.


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