Chapter 9

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Another day came and as usual, Shen Wei goes to work. Women gathered up once again so it was kinda gruesome.

"What would you like for today, Miss?" Shen Wei asked a fine lady. This woman doesn't seem to be the same as the others. She's not here for Shen Wei, she just really wanna treat herself and eat a chocolate moist cake.

"One chocolate moist cake, please."

Shen Wei took a tray and a chocolate moist cake. He gave it to the woman and smiled sweetly. The woman smiled back and then thanked him.

More customers were entertained by Shen Wei. After some moments, he was replaced by one of his co-worker. Shen Wei got a chance to have a rest for a while.

On the other hand, Zhao Yunlan is quite lost in his thoughts. He's sitting on his chair inside his office, frequently tapping his desk.

"Maybe he looks innocent and soft, but he isn't the person you think he is." this line keeps on playing in his mind. The woman who was behind the blood pranks whispered this line to him.

It seems simple but he knows there's something more into that. That's the reason why he's worried and troubled. But deep inside him, he's okay with whoever Shen Wei is. As of the moment, he just want his Little Wei to be honest with him.

While in deep thinking, he didn't notice that his phone has been ringing so many times. After few more rings, he finally realized that someone is calling him.

"Hello, Lin Jing?" he answered.

"Where are you? Didn't you feel the earthquake? Meet us near the famous restaurant we used to go. We have a big problem." Lin Jing ended the call.

Zhao Yunlan looked around him to see if there's a sign of an earthquake. He saw that a vase fell and got broken. He didn't mind it, he immediately took his jacket and hurriedly went out of his office.


When I arrived, I saw a lot of people circling a part of the road. I went closer and saw police officers putting barricade tape around a part of the road that has been broken. This may be caused by the earthquake that happened just now.

Was it too intense that a part of the road got broken like this? If it was too intense, why didn't I feel it? Oh, was I too lost in my own thoughts?

I talked to Lin Jing and he said that it was really caused by the earthquake. Good thing, no one got injured but a car was badly damaged.

I called a friend of mine and told him about our partial analysis about the incident. He told me that he'll do his best to rebuild the road as fast as it could be fixed. He has men so I think it won't be a big problem to him.

This will surely cause traffic. That's why it should be fixed as soon as possible. This incident is making my headache, worse.

"Hello, Shen Wei? Are you okay?" I said while covering a side of my mouth.

"Yes, of course. We're all safe here. How about you?"

"I'm good, I'm good. I'll end the call then. It's good knowing you're okay. Take care, okay?"

"You take care too, Chief." he replied. I was smiling like an idiot when I ended the call.

"Who did you call, Chief? You're smiling happily, huh?" Lin Jing walked in front of me.

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