I lifted the edge of my shirt up to see the scar of where my stab wound used to be. It was red as I winced in pain. The Other smiled before I was brought back to reality. My head was throbbing as I was breathing heavily. I was pissed off at the Other just for existing.

I need to blow off some steam.

I jumped onto the ground while people were screaming, scrambling around like lost ants. For a quick second, I felt guilt consume me as I saw the dead bodies scattered around the streets and debris.

-Third Person POV-
Once the Quinjet crashed into the ground, Natasha, Clint, and Steve got out unharmed. They armed themselves with weapons, running behind flipped over taxis. Looking up, they all saw Loki riding on a chariot, leading multiple Chitauri down the street.

Within seconds, the Chitauri fired at almost everything on the streets in a chain of explosions. The explosion made cars fly and flip as well as hurling people off in different directions.

Terrified civilians began screaming and running from Loki, looking over their shoulders. Steve glanced down at a bridge.

"Those people need assistance down there," Steve pointed out.

Chitauri soldiers landed near Steve, Clint, and Natasha as they began attacking. Natasha, pulling out two pistols, began firing back.

Turning to Steve, she stated, "We got this. It's good. Go!"

"You think you can hold them off?" Steve asked while looking at Clint.

"Captain," Clint paused, pulling a trigger on his bow as an arrow was chosen, "it would be my genuine pleasure."

Clint then shot the arrow into a Chitauri's head, giving Steve a few seconds to run.

Steve, going at an inhumanly speed, began running towards the bridge, jumping over dozens of exploding cars and debris in the process.

Clint got finished taking down Chitauri soldiers as he turned his head. He saw a bus, a bus full of people and children. Parents were holding their children out of the windows to let them get to safety. Clint quickly helped the kids down to safety before running over to the door. 

The door wouldn't budge and the windows were too small for the people to crawl through. There were even some other children still in the bus, too big and grown to get through the windows. Clint cursed under his breath as a Chitauri soldier emerged from behind him.

Lorna quietly emerged from behind a building, seeing the bus full of civilians. She watched as Clint helped the kids out, realising Clint couldn't get the door open. When the Chitauri soldier arrived, Lorna couldn't stand by. Part of her mind was resisting against the sceptre when she decided to help open the door. She used her abilities, making Clint fly back by grabbing hold of the arrow that he was carrying in his hand; the arrow's metal tip.

Clint landed on his back before immediately getting back up. He was confused as to how he flew backwards until he saw Lorna. She had placed the sceptre down to go run over and help the people in the bus. The civilians looked at her frightened but she ignored them.

Lorna put one hand out in front of the door before quickly moving her hand towards herself. The door flew off its hinges, allowing the rest of the people to escape.

Whenever Lorna was done helping those few civilians out, she turned around to see Clint holding the sceptre. He had the sceptre pointed in her direction, threatening her.

"Why did you help those people?" Clint asked suspiciously.

Lorna didn't say anything but her ears began ringing as she clasped her hands over her ears. She shouted in pain as flipped over cars, fallen street lamps, and metal debris moved around. Clint ducked before some debris could knock him out, noticing Lorna's one blue eye was a brighter blue than before. In her other eye, her iris was half brown and half blue. Clint was even more confused to see her eyes were slowly changing colour.

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