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Leya's POV:
"Oh my gosh! No way!" Alya squealed, and Marinette giggled,
"Yep. We're going on our first date this weekend!"
"So happy for you Mari," Milene gushed, and Juleka drawled,
"Isn't it a coincidence that now we all have partners?"
I turned to her, confused, and she shrugged, continuing,
"Me and Rose, Alya and Nino, Milene and Ivan, Mari and Adrien and you and my brother."
"Wait...Alya, when on earth did you get with Nino?"

Alya rubbed her arm sheepishly,
"Oh, yesterday as well. Forgot you weren't there."
"...how dare you all video call without me!"
"Sorry Leya, guess we just didn't notice you weren't there!" She grinned cheekily, and I squinted my eyes,

"Alya, I swear on my fictional dead hamster-"

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