Chapter 3

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*1 month later*

Leya's POV:

"Hey, Leya!" Mari greeted me as I walked through the gates, not late for once. "This is a surprise," She joked.

"Shut up!" I grinned, bumping shoulders with her. A movement to my right side caught my eye.

"Hey, is Nathaniel okay?" I asked her, as she followed my gaze. He was huddled up on a bench, looking down dejectedly at a book in his hands. Silently, I murmured to Mari that I was going to go check on me. She nodded and walked away, to where Alya was talking animatedly to Rose and Juleka.

Cautiously heading over to Nathaniel, I asked him,

"Can I sit here?" His head whipped up and his hands automatically snapped his book shut. We hadn't talked that much, mainly because Nathaniel was an introvert - unlike me.

He just nodded, averting his gaze. I gave him a sheepish smile and sat down next to him, crossing my legs on the seat.

"You look sad," I observed, resting my head in my hand, that was propped up on my thigh. He looked in my direction, still not looking me straight in the eyes.

"No, I'm, I'm fine." Lowering my head temporarily, I muttered,

"Nathaniel, I'm known to be a pretty good listener, and I can tell you're distressed, but, if there really isn't anything wrong, that's fine. Just know, if you ever need to talk, I'm here." I fixed him with a bright smile and uncrossed my legs to get up and leave.

Suddenly, I felt a hand grip onto my wrist, looking back at him, he was giving me a sad look,

"Actually," He cleared his throat, "I would...I would really appreciate that." I sat down again, trying not to look to eager. He gingerly gestured to the book still clamped in his hand.

"I...I have a crush on Marc," He sighed as my eyes widened in shock. "I've liked him ever since Marinette got us to pair to make a comic. He's just so kind, and funny, and creative, and he occupies all my thoughts. I just...can't get the courage to tell him, though. What if he rejects me? I'd never be able to live down the embarrassment." He lowered his head, red coating his face.

Softly, I suggested that I took the book. As I tugged it out of his hands, and opened it to the last page, I scanned it over. It was a sketch of Marc and Nathaniel, holding hands, with a big heart drawn around them.

"Aww." I cooed. Looking back at Nathaniel, I said, "Well, Nathaniel, I happen to have a notebook too." Bringing it out of my rucksack, I showed him the colourful cover, and flipped through the pages, bordered with intertwined leaves. "I write poems about anything and everything in here." I blushed slightly from embarrassment at the fact that Nathaniel was staring at me intently.

"And, I think it's really cool that you draw pictures to show how you feel. They're really good, and I can tell how much effort you put into them to make them as detailed as possible.

I haven't talked to Marc, or you, much, for that matter, but I do know that marc is a really sweet guy, and even if he doesn't have the same feelings for you, which has a 3.5% chance of happening, he definitely wouldn't make you feel bad about it! Besides, it's better to tell him then to just spend the rest of the year wondering if he likes you or not. Trust me." I put a reassuring hand on his shoulder. A smile tugged at his lips.

"Thanks, Leya. You definitely made me feel better." Conveniently, I spotted Marc walked across the courtyard on a way to a class.

"There he is now," I commented, raising an eyebrow.

Flustered, Nathaniel grabbed his stuff,

"Right! Yeah, thanks again Leya. Okay." He took a deep breath and caught up with him. I could see him on the edge of the courtyard with Marc, a deep blush covering his face as he stuttered his words. When it looked like he was done, I saw Marc smile and say something back. Nathaniel, looking elated, gave him a fleeting hug, before turning in my direction and giving a thumbs up! Yesss, another person happy. Satisfied, I headed over, beaming, to my friends. Making people happy was what I lived for.

Chat Noir's POV:

As soon as I'd been sent to my room after school to practise my piano, I put on some classical music on my phone, transformed, and climbed out the window. Now, I was running across the rooftops of Paris, while people spotted me and cheered. Even as people all over Paris loved me, I still felt so...alone, sometimes.

Settling on a roof, my legs swung over the side as I admired the scenery. Looking to my left, I saw a girl on a balcony of an apartment. I think it was Leya. Inching closer, I saw it indeed was my friend. Beaming, I leapt over to her balcony, landing on the railing. She looked up with a start, her eyes wide.

"Uh...Chat-chat Noir?" She stammered, as I waved at her. "What's one of the Heroes of Paris doing on my balcony?" She jokingly asked, having regained her composure.

"Well, it's obvious you know my name, but I don't know yours yet." I raised an eyebrow daringly, took her hand and kissed it. I saw a slight pink dust her cheeks.

"Leya." She confidently answered, pulling her hand from mind putting her them behind her back. "And what are you doing here again?"

"Just admiring the city and saw you." I answered simply. "So, what are you doing?" Glancing at the book abandoned on her chair when she stood up, a pen next to it. She followed my gaze, and snatched them up hastily,

"Just...just writing stuff." She plainly replied. "I've got nothing else to do today," I seated myself on the rail as she sat back down on her chair.

"Hey, can I ask you a question?" I carefully said. She looked up at me curiously.


I took a deep breath, turning my head to the side absentmindedly. "Do you ever feel...completely alone in the world? Even though you know you have people that love you, and would never want you to be? Almost like...the person who's supposed to care most doesn't, so that downgrades the whole world?"

"..." Looking back at her, she was in deep thought, her eyebrows furrowed.

"I think you described my past dilemma word-for-word," She finally said in realisation, looking back at me. "I was in a pretty bad place, because the person I always thought would be there for me...wasn't. And that kind of messed up my thoughts a little. But...I'm much better now." She grinned at me for emphasis, "But, I say, if you do feel like that, you should remember the person who doesn't love you, isn't the only person in the world. You're not alone. Talk to your friends, your family, and you'll find a solution." She concluded.

"Wow," I said, stunned, "You're a pretty good therapist." She leaned back in her chair and smirked, saying,

"I know." The satisfied face she made caused me to laugh, the sound bursting out before I could hold it back. She laughed with me, her eyes bright.

"Well...sorry for interrupting," I murmured, scratching the back of my head awkwardly.

"No worries, see ya, Chat Noir." She waved me off as I headed home. I really did feel a lot better. And she was right; I wasn't alone.

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