20. Bruised Honesty

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I yawned, stretchings my arms to get more comfortable even though it didn't help the slightest bit. Tired as hell and not wanting to step out of bed, I rolled over in my bed, grabbing my phone with both of my hands. Opening Twitter, I immediately wanted to stalk one person and one person only. When his page loaded, I noticed he changed his beautiful icon to an even more gorgeous one. It should had been forbidden to look this amazing.

@jasonmccann - old asses getting young chicks <<<

@jasonmccann - @tyleraloha shut the fuck up you ugly fuck

@jasonmccann - @tyleraloha haha right dumb bitch #talkingaboutloyal

A sigh escaped my mouth as I asked myself why Tyler and him were hating each other this much. Was it simply because of the whole Hip Hop competitions and rap battles? Or was there maybe more I wasn't aware of yet? I knew Jason wouldn't tell me anytime soon. Suddenly, I received a new direct message from Dennis when I opened it within seconds.

I think you missed this.

Furrowing my eyebrows at first, I realized he was talking about the pictures he attached to the message. It were two screenshots of Jasons twitter, showing two tweets he apparently deleted;

@jasonmccann - brown hair brown eyes, me likes

@jasonmccann - miss you badly

My cheeks turned into a deep shade of red when I recognized his last tweet. The same thing he told me yesterday evening. Did he miss me badly? But why would he, all he ever truly did was messing with me. I will probably never understand guys just like they wont ever understand us ladies. Anyways, he made some dumb remarks in the past and I wont forgive him that easy if he thinks that's the case. Deciding to finally stand up and get ready for hell hole just like almost everyday, I stood up, dragging my body into the bathroom.

"I don't know, he seems like a freak." Sarah stated, her eyes finding mine once again. Something felt weird with her today since she had been giving me looks every now and then. I shrugged it off everytime it would happen, but still I was a little curious why she seemed so interested in me today. After all, she was still more like Nancys friend than mine. Speaking of Nancy, she is finally able to pick me up since her car broke down yesterday after lunch. Lucas and her wanted to drive off after he asked her to be his girlfriend but unfortunately couldn't.

"Aye, I'm out. I still need to talk to my biology teacher since I missed the exam." I mumbled, giving my best friend a tight side-hug before I got up to grab my food. Sarah and Lacey gave me a quick wave as they returned to their conversation about something I wasn't interested in. To be honest, all I was interested in was Jason. But how should I even tell that Nancy? Jason told me she can be quite jealous and I'm not doubting that anymore after everything that happened.

I slammed my locker shut, resting my head on it as I squeezed my eyes together. A slow pain was making its way into my head and I didn't want to be sick once again. I had already missed a lot of subjects, topics, projects over these past days and I couldn't miss more. I was almost sure that my grades were going down and I had no one else to thank besides Jason.

"Hey Milena." A raspy voice spoke up behind me, making me turn around. Drake gave me a cheeky smirk as he nodded his head in my direction. I smiled softly, raising my eyebrows a little to tell him to continue whatever he was about to say or about to do. "I'm glad you haven't died yet." He joked, chuckling at the end which only made me nod my head. I wasn't in the mood for jokes now because of my pounding head.

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