16. Closed Book

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I yawned, stretching my arms before finally turning my Jay-Z alarm off as I rubbed my eyes, too sleepy to be fully awake. My head was pounding from all the crying and sobbing I did yesterday and with that my mind drifted off to someone I shouldn't even pay attention to. Sighing accidently, I didn't feel like school at all today. Faking illness yesterday would surely make it more believable today, right?

Turning around to the other side of my bed, I grabbed my iPhone as I chewed on my bottom lip. My heart stopped when my eyes landed on something that just my whole soul melt away in seconds.

2 missed calls

1 new message

Gulping, I slowly unlocked my phone when I closed my eyes silently praying it would be him. Opening them once again, I smiled a little when I missed two calls by Jason. Quickly brushing over the message button, I was sure it was him which he indeed was. My eyes almost popped out as I realized how long this message was. The only thing I hoped for was it would have a positive ending and not negative one.

Aye, you. I actually don't know how to start this message but here I go cause I just did, eh? You probably don't even want to hear it but I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for every harm I caused you yesterday. Neither did I mean to insult you nor were my intentions to scare you away thanks to Dickson or also known as Jackon. Princess, I wanna make it up to you. Not in any shitty way though so I promise you I will make you feel good cause I'm good at such things ;) You still are some cute shit and I hope you will be able to forgive me... Call me as soon as you read this cheesy shit. Don't judge me, okay? I'm as inexperienced at this as you are sexually. You're suppose to laugh now. Alright, sleep tight and don't wake up too wet ;) Lots love, oldster

I bit down on my lip and tasted blood, re-reading it over and over again; pointing out my favorite parts and which sentence I liked more and most. Just like any other teenage girl that's falling head over heels for their perfect boy boy. But this was actually the last thing I wanted, falling for Jason because I knew he wasn't able to give me what I wanted. I was sure he couldn't stay faithful nor loyal.

Before I was able to answer or to ring him, my door cracked open making me throw my phone under my blanket. "Honey?" My mothers soft voice asked as I nodded my head softly, "Yeah?" I breathed out hiding my cold self under the warm thick blanket. "I'm out for the day working. I already called school and told them you will be staying home since your illness." She explained when my eyes only found the dark figure of her.

"Thanks" I mumbled, cheering a little that I was able to relax today. "Oh and no rules-breaking?" She spoke in that harsh voice of hers as she pointed her finger at me. I groaned, rolling my eyes, "Yeah, I'm sick. I'm sure I wouldn't jump around on the street and wishing everyone a Merry Christmas." I joked, rubbing my fingers over my forehead that sightly hurt. My mother sighed, almost closing the door. "I'm back in the evening, see you later." She spoke before shutting the door close leaving me in complete darkness.

I sighed, grabbing my phone once more as I opened Jasons message, a smile already spreading on my face. Suddenly, my phone started ringing but my mood died down, realizing it was only Dennis that called me. "Hello, hello, hello!!" He sang, clearly in a happy mood when I chuckled softly, not wanting my mother to hear.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked, hoping to sound sleepy and as if he just woke me up so I could reply Jason as soon as possible. "Oh, did I wake you up?" He sounded a little guilty making me pout. After all, Dennis was cute and nice but just not a Jason. Oh God, stop. "Yeah, but whatever." I laughed a little, cuddling with my blanket. He chuckled as well and I swear I heard him shake his head, "I just wanted to ask if you want to come over in like two days?" He questioned, raising his voice sightly at the end which I found absolutely adorable.

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