10. Smoky Kisses

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I was sitting outside in front of the lake as the sun shined through the woods which looked more than beautiful. And I was glad I was here. It was relaxing and it gave you this special something that made your body chill within seconds.

After Jason told me my cousin killed his brother, he stormed out while I took a seat out here. Eversince then I haven't seen him or anyone but I was fine with that since I needed some time to think about everything. Tom, who I now learned is a murderer, always had warned about the Bronx and its dangerous spots. He always told me to stay from people who live there. He always told me to stay away from parties that were thrown there. He always told me to not get involved with its resident and their business.

But maybe he just tried to tell me to stay away from him; Smoke. Maybe all of his speeches were dedicated to the young man so I would never meet him. So I would never ever get to know what my own cousin has done. To say I was shocked was nothing. But to say I was disappointed was more suitable.

I've spent years and years adoring the only cousin I had, adoring his art, adoring his existence. Loved when he was the only one that listened to my problems and even though we have lost contact for the last couple of months, he would have always been the one I'd reach for when something miserable happens.

"Hey." Someone interrupted my thoughts as I looked up, seeing Nancy sitting next to me on a chair we brought with us. "Hey." I mumbled, looking back in front of me as some familiar laughter were heard. The boys were probably in the trailer doing whatever they please.

"Everything okay?" She asked, knowing exactly what was wrong. It wouldn't surprise me if she knew it since it well... happened. "Does Lucas know about you and Jason?" I asked, ignoring her question. I think I at least deserved some explanations after all. She sighed, turning to look at me but my eyes were fixed on the frozen yet beautiful lake in front of us.

She nodded, biting her lip, "I knew Jason before Lucas. I was at a club about a year ago or something and I met him. We danced and we exchanged numbers and... We were just talking almost every second. I swear I was so happy to see someone so interested in me." She laughed a little, shaking her head. "Don't fall for that, Milena. I know him; probably more than most girls. He knows how to seduce the girls, hell look at him. No one can deny that he's Gods own creation." She laughed out loud causing me to chuckle even though I didn't want to.

"He isn't the guy you want to spend your life with. He only wants sex, I know that now after ten months. And unfortunately I had to experience that before I came to my senses. I could tell you hundreds of sex stories about him, because I've been over at theirs', because... Well... You know, Lucas..." She trailed off as I glanced at her, chuckling when I noticed her red face.

"You and him are cute." I whispered, fixing my stare on my shoes. I felt like needing to buy a new pair. Oh God, I love shoes. "Thanks." She breathed out, fumbling with her fingers, "He hasn't asked me yet, though." I chuckled, running my hand through my hair, "You know, Valentine's Day is about to come in five days, so..." I trailed off, chuckling at the end which she returned in laughing along.

I sighed, after our cute moment cooled down, stretching myself as the chair started to feel uncomfortable. "I think I'll go inside, I'm kind of cold." I mumbled, rubbing my arms slowly as Nancy turned to look at me. She gasped, "Oh fuck, you have goosebumps. You know we have a lot of blankets in there, just relax a little." She said, giving me a soft smile which I gladly mirrored.

Nodding, I stood up when I bumped into something hard. I looked up as I felt a pair of hands on my elbows, "Sorry, Milly." Lucas grinned pointing out Chaz' nickname for me. I rolled my eyes playfully, waving him off as in telling him it's nothing.

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