8. Deadly Sin

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"You ready for tonight, man?" Chris yelled, his hands roughly messaging my shoulders causing me to groan in uncomfortableness. "Shit, you really need to keep on practising that." I growled, punching his hands away from me. I turned around seeing him shrug, "Wanted to practise on you." A disgust expression was placed on my face when Dennis laughed, "Gaaaaay!" He yelled, holding his stomach to prevent him from laughing louder.

Shooting him my infamous death glare, I scoffed, "Yeah, I am." Tonight was my turn to rap and hell I missed it. The champions league will arrive in about a month and if I ain't messing up tonight, I'll be in it. Not to sound cocky or something, but everyone knew I'd be one of the finalists since I had a pretty good reputation at least when it came to rapping.

"Good, because I asked Nancy to come." Lucas appeared, grabbing an apple while sitting down next to Dennis. I rolled my eyes, "That means Bitchlena is coming as well?" Dennis scoffed, clearly not pleased with my answer but could I care less? No. "Shut the fuck up, you act like as if she's some Mariah Carey." He rolled his eyes as well, pissing me off even more.

"Didn't she fuck with Eminem?" Chris asked, completely changing the topic causing each of us to shoot him a glare which he only returned by throwing his hands up, "What?" Dennis shook his head, "Yeah she did, but that's not the fucking point, man." I leaned forward, wanting to grab some beer when Lucas slapped my hand away, "No drinking for you tonight!" Groaning, I stretched myself, running my hands through my hair making it even more messier, "Why did you even invite them?"

Lucas raised his eyebrows, confused at first, "Them? I invited Nancy since she's my girlfriend if you haven't noticed yet." I scoffed, grabbing my dick with my left hand, checking if everything was fine downstairs, "Girlfriend. Right, that's why you haven't asked her." Dennis shook his head, slapping Lucas shoulder, "I'm sure he's about to, right?" He bit his lip, nodding slowly, "I think yeah. Man, not wanting to sound like a cocksucker but damn, I like her..." He trailed off as we all groaned and laughed only having Lucas to blush.

"As long as Milena ain't there, my dick's hard." I laughed at my own joke, bringing my hands behind my head. "As if she's ugly. Every guys dicks get up just at the thought of her and if that's not the case, something wrong with ya." Chris mumbled, closing his eyes while smiling like a fool. "Eww, if you're getting a fucking boner now I'll throw you out." Lucas commented, taking another sip from his beer.

"I don't get you, man." Dennis started, shaking his head while sightly frowning, "She's an amazing young lady. Each and every one of us would kill to have someone like her as our... wife." He finished as I scoffed at his absolute cheesy answer, "You don't even fucking know her." I said, getting comfortable again when Dennis voice echoed through the living room, "But you fucking do?"

I sat back up, seeing Chris swallow hard as he started to fumble with his fingers, clearly not wanting to get involved in this. "Are you trying to start a fucking fight?" I spat, my right hand pulling at my chains to lay it correctly around my neck. Dennis sighed, rubbing his face with both of his hands, "Nah, man. I'm just saying. You're judging her for something she didn't even do nor is aware of."

I scoffed, shaking my head, "I don't care. She-She is-" Dennis chuckled, "Beautiful? I know." I snapped back up, glaring at his unwanted interruption. Lucas sighed, running his hand through his short hair, pulling at it sightly, "He's right, Jason. Me and Nancy will start dating and she'll be around more often. And if she's around, she will bring Milena with her. Besides, Tyson and Drake and they're shit faced gang already know her by now and know about you and her-" He explained, when I cut him off, "Which was never real."

Chris laughed making me smile a little, when I looked back at Lucas who was glaring at me, "What? Just clearing that up." I laughed, throwing my hands up in defense. "Whatever. She's involved in those whole shit now so you better not try to pull something because it will not only hurt her and my girl but the both of us." I furrowed my eyebrows, taking out a cigarette and a lighter, "The both of us? Like I give a fuck about girls."

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