Chapter 95:welcome to my world

Start from the beginning

At the hotel

Dean seemed tired and just went to bed. I put the kids down to sleep since it was 2 in the morning. It was really bad that thye stay up.late and partia,ly my fault I let it happen. Isa is going to be back in school in 2 weeks considering she had been homeschooled this whole time.

I had decided to stay up all night trying to figure out how was i going to deal with everything that is happening in my life now. Dean and i now are the faces of the company. The kids are growin gup and i need to find a normal life for them.I think maybe this whole push i' getting will take away my time with the kids. Should i give up my title again for the kids or go as far as i can go and then retire to be with the kids? I'm still young but i know i don't wanna miss time with the kids. My life is and will always be dedicated to them.

The next day 

I hadn't realized i had fallen asleep on the couch. I felt something warm and just cuddleed next to it. I then felt a small pair of arms around me. I open my eyes to see Mayra by my side.She was still sleeping and she just sniggled closer to me as i had to her. I tehn stroke her hair back and i gently move her to the cushion of the couch. I made sure not to wake her up but i almost screamed when i saw Dean watching us.

 "How long have you been there?'I said.

"Oh  just long enough  see my two precious girls snuggling to each other.'He says smiling.

"Yeah next time don't do that.I could have scared mayra and dropped her."I said.

"Aw.Don't worry i would have been ehre to have gotte her.'He says.

"Yeah sure.'I said.

"Come on sleepy head you two go to a bed now.I didn't even notice when Maya came here. i was going to snuggle with you but then i saw her there.I didn't wanna move here so i left her there.'He says.

"oh is someone jealousy they didn't get to cuddle with me last night."I said giggling.

'Yes but it's okay i saw that the cuter one was her so i can't be mad.'He says.

"Of course but you can have me tonight."I said

"Can't wait."He says.

I then see Mayra waking up and she hugs me.

"someone waking up."I said.

"Hm hmm.'She says.

"It's okay little one sleep all you want."i say.

"You know the kids want to go to the amusment park today right.''He says. 

"Yeah but will go later. Right now i just wanna sleep too."I said.

"Come on sleepy head we gotta get our morinig workout."He said.

"How about we don't. You can don anything tonight with me and i won't stop you."I said.

"Tempting but no. I'll save it for our mini vacation i ahve plan for us."He says.

"Min i vacation?'I said confused.

"Yeah like a honeymoon sort of thing. i know we had one in our first marriage but this time i want to make it really special."He says.

"Babe we already have soemthign special and it's beig with each other."I said sleepy.

"Just get a little more sleep and will talk ab out it later."He syas kissing em and giving a kiss to mayra on her forehead.

I wnet to sleep but i thought i heard someone talk before i blackout.

Hold my broken heart (Dean Ambrose love story)#wattys 2015Where stories live. Discover now