Chapter 94: Even

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Today the kids,Dean, and I flew to Vegas. Little Jon still had some headaches but i made sure the pain went away by giving him the medicine the doctor prescribe. I was really looking foward to this since it feels like the first time we got married only that i'm all in. No one is forcing me to get married but i want to make a spectacular return when i get back to work on monday.

When the plane finally landed we went into the airport and grabbed our bags. When went out of the airport and grabbed a taxi. Dean and i split the material considering we were staying here until sunday and flying out to Colorado. The kids came with me while Dean had mostly the bags. Once we arrived to the hotel we were going to stay at. we quickly put our bags down and grabbed only what we needed.

When we went back down to the lobby Dean took the kids with him. He told me he had a surpries for me so i was to go alone to the chapel. I didn't know what to think but i get the feeling i'll like the surprise.

When I arrived at the chapel there seem to be a lot of cars outside. The chapel was't that big but who was even here. I know no one but thekids, Dean , and I are suppose to be here. When I get out of the car I pay the driver , grab my bags and head to the chapel. When I get there I see so many people inside. As I continue to walk I noticed it was some of the divas and superstars.

"Hey guys." I said.

" Girlie. Dean told us about you guys wedding. So here wee are to support one of the best couples we know." Emma said.

"Aw guys. I didn't think we have anyone in our wedding besides the kids. I mean I really didn't want to have a big wedding since we have been married with like only 2 people there." I said.

"So how does it feel getting married all over again to the lunatic frige."Nattie asks.

" It feels good. Now if you ladies excuse me I gotta change into my outfit." I said.

" Let us help you." Aj said.

We all went to the changing room and they seemed shocked when they saw my outfit was just a white skirt and white flannel shirt.

"Um don't you have a wedding dress?" Namoi asked.

" I was going to get one but I mean since it's not like a bigwedding I thought why not go simple. I mean even Dean isn't going to wear a tux. We just came here to make it official and all. Plus now that the kids are all here they can see mommy and daddy get married."I said.

"Well as you know Dean always has something up his sleeve so he asked us to pick a dress for you."Aj said.

"Not again. You know you didn't have too." I said.

"No girl should go withut her white dress well more like white and a green slash on the waist. "Aj said.

"Your going to make me cry. I really didn't see this coming. How will I ever thank you." I said.

"By putting the dress." Ajsays.

When I see a black bag in Nattie's hand I go to it and grab the bag. I place the bag on a racket and open it up to see a beautiful dress.I was left speechless.

" I don't know whatt o say now." I said.

"Say i do by putting on that dress and seeing your an in at tux." Emma said.

"He is going over his head with this. I guess he wanted to make this really special." I said.

"Girl we have 10 mintues to go let's dress you up." Naomi said.

The girls helped me put my dress and did my makeup.I only put a little considering i didn't want to have any at all. I decided to leave my hair how it was and just went out to the reception. The girls trail behind me and they started to get in for.arion. they walked down the aisle as the music played. It was then my turn and I saw Dean standing in the front with a huge smile and looking good in the tux he chose. His hair was slicked back and he was really looking good. I then satrted walking down the aisle when Roman came and put his arm on my indicatinghe was going to walk me down the aisle. The mintue i see Dean i just wanted to kiss him but i knew I had to wait.

Hold my broken heart (Dean Ambrose love story)#wattys 2015Where stories live. Discover now