Chapter 68: Shocker

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Today i was going to be at raw. Snipe was abckstage with me and the kids.

"So what are you going to do today?"Snipe said.

"Just gonna have an interview with Dean."I said.

"I thought you were mad at him?'"He asked confused.

"i was but you know i have to be calm for the baby I don't want anything to happen."I siad.

"Baby nothing is going to happen to our little angle  alright. Just be safe out there though. I feel like something is going to happen. It sucks i can't be there to protect you."He syas.

"Snipe it's my job. I'll be safe plus everything is scripted so nothing can go wrong."I said.

"Jsut be safe please."He said kissing me then my stomach.

"Just relax alright the segment isn't even 5 mintues long so it'll be okay."I said.

"Okay."He says kissing me as if it were the last time.

I walk away to the gorilla. I see dean there taping his hands.

"Hey Dean."I said.

"Hey beautiful."He says kissing my cheek.

"So you ready for our segemnt?"I said.

"Yeah just our typical same ole talks right.He says chuckling.

"Yeah nothing seems to change."Isiad.

"So have you decided what you want to do?"He asks

"Not yet. But how about we you know sneak away for a while after the show?"I said.

"I can't. Kelly is her tonight and well you know she is starting to suspect somthings. Plus i need her close by to see if her and Zack are an itemk."He syas.

"Um Dean?"I say.

I point over to the left side of the hallyway were we saw Kelly and Zack amking out.

"So you still think they aren'ttogether?"I asked.

"Well now that i see with my own eyes that there together there is nothing from stopping me from annulling our marriage,oh and now i know for sure she isn't carrying my kid. There might even be a possiblilty that she's not even pregnant."He siad.

"Dean just be careful though what if she is and  it's yours?"I said.

"It can't be. i mean yeah we did it when we traveled two months ago butthen you know i didin't want her around after so it can't be mines. The last time we did it was 3 days ago."He said.

"Just have a paternity test then."I said.

"will see but ithink it's tiem for you to go out there."He syas.

"alright see you there."I said.

I was walking down the ramp when i felt someone push me down. I look to see it was Nikki. She threw me to the barricad and then didi the rack attack. She then started to punch me and i couldn't even see right. The refee's were trying to pull her off bushe kept scratching and kicking. I somehow maage to get up and attack ehr. My mistake was trying to boot her. She grabs my leg and twistes it with her hands as she was getting out of the refee's grips. She then kicked me on my stomach and threw me at the ring pole.

I heard someone's music and i knew it was dean.

"Marissa are you okay.Did she hurt the baby?"He says.

"I can't feel myself."I said holding onto my stomach.

"Guys she's bleeding.We need to take ehr to the hospiatal asap.'A medic said.

I was quickly put on a stretcher and taken to the hospital. 

When we reached the hospital i was rushed into the emergency room where everything went dark.

A while later

I was waking upa nd couldn;t rmemeber where i was. I heard people shouting and then i saw Snipe. He was crying and yelling at a doctor?

"Um what's going on?"I said weakly. 

Sniep and the doctor see me andi feel like somehting isn't right.

"Baby i need you to be strong.Um something has happen  and i don't know how your going to take it."He said crying.

"What's wrong. Why ae you crying?And why is my stomach all flat now?"I siad.

"You lost the baby."He said.

"No no no no no." I said.

"I'm sorry baby i should have been there when she was out there. this is all my fault.Why wasn't i fast enough."He said.

"Where were you that you didn;t come. Dean came na dwhere were you hmm. Blaming yourself but right now i remember Dean coming to my aide. Where you trying to prove soemthing to me like was i cheating on you?You knew he would show up so you did nothing right?You think the baby was his weren't you?"I yelled.

"Yes,you know what yes. I feel like you have been lying to me so i didn't show up. The mintue i saw the baby they had taken out of you i was upset with myslef. The baby was mines considering you were only two months along. The baby i wanted to have with you is now gone. Our first child is now gone."He says crying.

"How could you accuss me of cheating knowing how i felt about Dean at the moment.You know just leave."I said.

"no marissa i'm sorry i just lost my chid withyou i don;t wanna lose you too."He says clinging to my hands.

"Just give me time.I wanna see dean."I said.

"He's not llowed here. i told the nurses and security to keep him away from  yuo."Ge siad.

"Snipe either he comes or were done."I said.

"I'm not going to let him near you right now. Just let us have privacy for now."He said.

"Fine but i want him to at least know i thank him for helping em.I siad.

"I'll ake sure he gets the messgae."He says kissing my forehead.

Tonight was a bad night. I was getting back to my work place until i culnd;t travel but i guess plans have changed. Maybe Renee is right and faith does choose our paths. I hate the fact i lost my baby and i was already crumbling my marriage with Snipe. What more do i have to got throug until i get some peace in my life.

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Hold my broken heart (Dean Ambrose love story)#wattys 2015Where stories live. Discover now