The House of Reincarnation I (JX)

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Ju Xin

Ox-Head and Horse-Face brought Ju Xin into a circular room which consisted of five red doors and a golden ornate red throne in the middle. As Ju Xin was drained emotionally, he didn't even bother checking around.

"Her Majesty, we have a newcomer," Ox-Head said while bowing his head to the Ghost-like female figure who was sitting on the throne.

Ju Xin looked at her with tired eyes and sat on the floor, shocking Ox-Head and Horse-Face.

"Well, such a brave soul," the Master of Life-and-death clapped her hands, "I believe you aren't in the mood to talk, so I will be short," she opened her palm, "Hong Ben, come here please."

A red light appeared above her head before an object fell to her hand gracefully. It was a thick red notebook with golden pages. She opened a random page and dragged down her unnaturally long index finger on the page. "Here you are, Ju Xin, right?"

Ju Xin nodded.

"You are very calm, don't you wonder what's going on?" she asked, fixing her black holes on him.

"No, I don't. I just want to disappear," Ju Xin said nonchalantly.

The Master of Life-and-death rubbed the corner of her black hole of an eye, "well, I can't give you that just because you want it. You have to reincarnate."

Hearing it, Ju Xin exhaled heavily.

"But," she continued cheerfully, "I can help you to forget everything!"

"Really?" he asked with hope, "I would appreciate that."

Nodding, she clapped her hands and a red cloud slid in. Slowly, it landed on her open hand before it transformed into a clay cup with a red liquid in it. She showed the cup to Ju Xin, "this is the Tea of Oblivion, in case you choose to drink it, you will start your new life anew without remembering a single thing from your previous life. It is what you want, right?"

"Yes Majesty, I will drink it," Ju Xin replied firmly and she handed the cup to him. Without hesitation, he guzzled the tea down.

"Very well, now let's see your door," she threw the empty cup behind and the cup disappeared in her hair. Then she ran her hand through her hair and five red cards appeared on her grip. She threw them into the air and the cards disappeared. A second later, the door whose plate was HUMAN illuminated with a red light.

"Congrats tired human, your previous good deeds enabled you to be reincarnated as Human again. Work hard and become a Deity next time," she gestured to him to go to the Human Door.

Ju Xin bowed his head respectfully and opened the door. A bright light enveloped him completely and he entered the Mortal Realm back as a new person and a new soul.

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