dead as expected...

Start from the beginning

Y/n: well, guess that leaves reincarnating.

Kazuma: I agree it seems like the best option.

Aqua: great! Well, we goddesses can upload the world's language into your brain, so you do not need to worry about language barriers, there js just a small chance you will go poof.

Kazuma: wait poof?

Y/n: yeah that sounds pretty important...

Aqua: anyway on to the magical assistance you can receive for your journey, you can take one item or skill into the other world to aid you in taking down the devil king.

Y/n: ^whatever.^

Kazuma starts looking through the pieces of paper on the ground while you walk over to Aqua.

Y/n: hey Ms Aqua?

Aqua: Yes?

Y/n: would you object to me asking for the powers of a tv show character?

Aqua: I don't see why I would so go ahead.

Y/n: I wish for the powers of Ulquiorra Cifer from bleach.

Aqua: alright.

A recognisable sword (ulquiorra's) appears on your wasit.

Y/n: that's epic!

You smile brightly.

Aqua: hurry up, its not like what you pick will make a difference anyway.

Kazuma: ^who does she thinks she is being bitchy because she is kind of hot^ you know what? I can pick anything in this room, so I pick you!

Aqua: finally, now brave sou- what?!

An angel descends from the sky and informs aqua that Kazuma's choice is indeed legal and that she will be coming with us much to the screams and pleads of aqua you all get raised into the sky...void raised into the void as a blinding light makes seeing increasingly difficult after a few moments you land on solid ground.

Y/n: well...that was a process.

Aqua instantly latches on to Kazuma and starts complaining but after a few minutes she calms down.

Y/n: so Kazuma, got any ideas?

Kazuma: well in most other video games like this there is a guild so we should head there first.

Y/n: good idea.

You all head for the guild but aqua begun to complain again.

Aqua: why did you have to bring me with you!

Y/n/Kazuma: ^god does she ever stop complaining?^

You all make it to the guild after searching for a bit and go to register.

Kazuma: We would like to register for the guild please.

Luna: sure that will be 3000 Eris total.

Y/n: yo Kazuma, do you got any cash?

Kazuma: well if you don't what makes you think I do?

Y/n: fair, how about you aqua?

Aqua: well Kazuma dragged me here without warning so I could not grab my purse.

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