Chapter 10

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"Are you ever gonna tell me what happened with that guy?" Bloom questioned. Two weeks, for two weeks she'd been questioning me about Riven, but I was hardly going to give anything up. Besides, the only thing that connected us was the Magic Archive, and I hadn't been there since I cut him off. So really, there wasn't much to tell.

"I heard from Sky that one of his Specialist friends has been pretty down lately."

"Riven?" I asked, confused as to why he'd even be bothered by this.

"Ha! Riven. Knew I'd at least get his name." Bloom cheered. "So tell me, what happened?"

"Nothing happened. We just...fell out."


I could barely keep my eyes open as I sat there listening to the teacher ramble on about the history of magic. This was no different from my history class at my old high school, except here, it was magic. And I know that this should've been interesting to me, since I was new to this world, but I just couldn't get on board. It was just too boring.

"So...Riven." Bloom suddenly said, leaning over to my desk.

"I'm not talking about this."

"Oh come on, just tell me what happened with you two."

I sighed, finally giving in to her incessant questioning. "Fine, me and him kissed. And then the next day, I see him with his tongue down another girl's throat. That good enough for you?"

"Damn. Were you two together?"


"Then why are you so pissed?"

"I don't know, I guess I was just a little insulted that he kissed someone else so soon after kissing me." I confessed.

"And you friend dumped him 'cause of that?"

"What's wrong with that?"

"Is it really worth losing a friend over?"


My mind was riddled with doubt as I slowly approached the Specialist training area. After hearing what Bloom had said about this whole spat with Riven, it made me wonder if I had maybe overreacted and wrote him off too easily. So now, I was currently on my way to speak to him. That was if he actually wanted to speak to me. When I got close enough, I spotted him by a bench and he saw me immediately. But he didn't move, he just stood there staring. Before I was able to get closer, the girl from before locked arms with him and he instantly followed her lead. That must've been Beatrix. Maybe he really did like her. Clearly, there was no chance I was going to get near Riven, so I just turned around and headed back to the suite. I didn't need him anyway. It was hardly like I was missing him.

When I got back to the suite, it was empty, so I retreated to my room and switched my phone on. I felt uneasy as I quickly scrolled through my contacts, in search of the one titled 'Mum'. I didn't belong here. Even Riven, someone who didn't even have magic, wanted nothing to do with me. When I found the contact, I didn't hesitate to call her. My mum had always been there for me, so I was certain that she'd be able to give me some advice.


"Hey, mum. It's me." I mumbled.

"Oh hello, how's my little Mathematician?"

"Uh mum? I don't think I can do this."

"Do what, sweetheart?"

"This...go to this school. It's just...too much." I admitted, earning a short silence from her.

"Do you want to come home?" She suddenly asked.


"Then how about you stay until Christmas break. And if after Christmas break, you don't want to go back, then don't." She proposed.

I just nodded, smiling slightly. "Okay, thanks mum."

"No problem, love you."

"Love you too."


Okay so this is probably just a bit of a filler chapter, hence the reason it's so short lol. Also, I know so far the story has been pretty flat but I promise big things are gonna happen soon. And any feedback would be massively appreciated too. And yeah, hope you're enjoying the story. Thanks for reading! :)

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