Chapter 13

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My heart hammered in my chest as I helplessly stared into the dark abyss that surrounded me. I didn't know where I was. I didn't even know if I was anywhere. What if I was dead? Oh my god, what if I'm dead? I was dragged away from my panicked thoughts when I saw a figure emerge from the darkness. And it was at that moment, that I knew I wasn't dead. I was alive...but not for long. A burned one was now running towards me. I cried out but there was no sound. No one was going to help me. I was alone and about to die. There was nothing I could do. Just as the creature was about to dig its claws into my flesh, the dark setting suddenly disappeared. And I began to fall. When I finally hit the ground, I shot up and looked around, frantic with fear. When I quickly examined my surroundings, I was met with the sight of my transparent gray curtains and the white paint on my walls. And then the nightmare faded. I was in my bedroom at home, because it was Christmas break. The last day of Christmas break.

Once I was ready, I swiftly descended the stairs and went into the kitchen, immediately switching on the kettle. Due to it being the last day of the holidays, mum had to go into school, which meant I had the house to myself. That was just one of the benefits of having a Primary School teacher for a parent. It meant I was allowed some independence sometimes. When the kettle was boiled, I placed my favourite mug down on the counter and dropped a tea bag into it, proceeding to add three heaped tea spoons of sugar into the cup. Yes, I knew how unhealthy that was, but it was the only way I could find tea appealing. I carefully poured the water into the cup, allowing the tea bag to bob up and down for a few seconds. Once I was done, I threw the tea bag away and sat down at the table, releasing a heavy sigh. This was my last day at home before I had to return to Alfea. And I really didn't want to go back, but I had no choice. I had to find a way to fix this stupid problem with my magic. I wanted a normal life, and Alfea was going to give that to me.

The next day, I woke up feeling like I was buried under a pile of bricks. I really didn't want to go back, but like I said before, I had no choice. I slowly crawled out of bed and got dressed. I pulled on my black jeans and gray hoodie and finally, I slipped my shoes on and picked up my bag. Slinging it over my shoulder, I proceeded to drag my feet down the stairs and I was immediately met with my mum's bright smile. I honestly didn't know how she was so happy all the time.

"Now, are you still okay to go on your own because I can see you off." She smiled, gently clutching my shoulders.

I shrugged her off, shaking my head. "No, it's fine, mum. I have to do this myself."

"Okay, ugh, I just can't believe I'm not going to see you for another few months."

"Well, I've got to go."

"Well I hope you have fun sweetheart." She said, hugging me.

"Thanks mum."


When I finally arrived at Alfea, something felt different. There was a certain atmosphere, but I just couldn't figure out what had changed. So I just started walking towards the entrance. However, I was immediately diverted by a certain earth fairy. "Hey." Sam beamed, slinging an arm around me.


"Glad to be back?"

I just stared up at him, unimpressed.

"Oh right, yeah. I forgot. You don't like people." He joked.

"People might think you're a really nice guy, but you're just a dick." I laughed.

"Yeah, well I've got to get to assembly. I'll see you in there?"


"Yeah, they're having an assembly to introduce a new teacher or something. I dunno."

I just nodded. "Well, I guess I'll see you in there."


"In light of recent events, I've come to realise that some of you seem to have forgotten the rules." Miss Dowling started. Oh great, she was talking about the incident in the forest before Christmas. "So, I've decided to introduce a new Head of Discipline."

She smiled before stepping to the side, allowing a tall, slim woman to step forward. "This, is Miss Griselda. She is going to be responsible for ensuring your safety and that you all stick to the rules."

She looked like a witch. She had short brown hair and crooked glasses, and she looked like she wanted to kill us. She looked scary.

"Miss Griselda will also be teaching the new defence class that I've put in place. You'll all have an introductory session with her at some point through the day."


As I walked down the hall, I spotted Griselda patrolling the cafeteria, a clipboard secured in her hands. She really was serious wasn't she. "Looks like the party's cancelled then." Someone suddenly said. Looking round, I saw Riven come up behind me.


He sighed. "We were going to have sort of a welcome back party tonight, but now we've got a new warden, that doesn't seem entirely possible anymore."

"Yeah. Do you think she's really that strict?"

He nodded. "Of course. If I didn't know any better, I'd say she had a gun hidden under that skirt. Trust me, she's serious."

"Well, I guess we're not going to Hathen then?" I shrugged, turning to look at him.

"Yeah, I suppose we should cool it for a while."


Oof, so Miss Griselda's here... What are they gonna do now???

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