Chapter 5

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"So you can definitely teach me how to make Zanbaq?" I questioned, closing the door behind me and joining Sam at the desk.

He smiled. "Yes, I can. And even if I can't, there's still Terra."

"Yeah." I answered, sitting down and watching silently as he began gathering a bunch of ingredients together.

I'd probably only been watching him work for about five minutes but it honestly felt like five hours. I never liked watching demonstrations, it was always so tedious. And I know Sam was only trying to help me, but I just couldn't help but be bored.

"How come you're having such a hard time with your magic?" Sam suddenly asked.


"Earlier, when we were talking about the professor's class, you mentioned how you couldn't make your magic work at the Stone Circle. Just thought it sounded a little odd."

"Oh, right. Well, I'm not exactly like everyone else here. I'm from the First World. And I only found out I was a fairy about a month ago." I explained.

"Oh." He nodded, a small smile appearing on his face. "So I imagine you're not very good with most things then. Magic, I mean."

"Yeah, complete shit."

"Well maybe I could help you with that?" He suggested.

"Maybe you could."


"Earlier you told me that locket gave you your magic, yes?" Riven questioned, quickly pulling me into a corner in the cafeteria.


"Well I'm sorry but I just don't buy it. I may only be a Specialist but I know how magic works and that's not it. You're either born with magic or you're not."

I shrugged, shaking my head. "Well I don't know what to tell you. All the crazy shit that came with being a fairy only started happening after I opened the locket."

"Well I suggest you do some research about your past."

"Yes Riven, I'll just call up my mum and ask her if I was born a fairy." I said sarcastically, folding my arms across my chest.

"Look, there's a library, the Magic Archive. The teachers don't want anybody knowing about it but I stumbled across it one day. I can guarantee you'll find something in there, so meet me here tonight and I'll take you."

"You really think I want to be sneaking around with you at night?"

"Just be there." He said. "And don't say I never gave you anything."

As I watched him walk away, I started to think about what he'd said. He was more familiar with this world than I was so he was obviously telling the truth. But if I was born a fairy, then why did I only find out after I opened that locket? Why was I able to live a normal human life without even a trace of magic surfacing? It just didn't make sense.


My heart was hammering in my chest as I carefully crept across the cafeteria floor. It was difficult trying to slip out of the suite without being seen, but for some reason, it was even harder creeping around the dark cafeteria. To be honest, it was scary. I was instantly able to identify Riven from the large cloud of smoke that surrounded him. He wasn't exactly subtle. "Are you fucking serious?" I whispered, quickly approaching him.

He just turned around and laughed, removing a joint from between his lips. "Yes, I am. Want some?"

"No." I scoffed. "I want you to take me to this archive so that we can get it over and done with."

"Alright, follow me." He chuckled, before standing up straight and walking off behind me. I cautiously followed after him but I was still completely appalled by his behaviour. I didn't want to sound like a mum but he was just so irresponsible. He didn't care about anything or anyone.

When we finally stopped, we were standing in a dark hallway, which didn't even lead anywhere. "So you lied." I huffed.

"No I didn't." He argued, as he began to tap the walls.

"What are you doing?"

He laughed. "The archive is behind a wall. You know, like a secret door."

Before I was able to say anything else, I heard a click and then Riven dragged the 'wall' to the side, revealing a doorway. And beyond that doorway was an enormous library. "Bloody hell." I breathed out, slowly stepping into the room. "How the hell did you find this place?"

"I was smoking a joint down here and I leaned on the wall a little too hard. Pretty cool, isn't it?"

"Yeah, it's incredible."

"Yes, well I'm sure we'll be able to shed some light on this whole locket situation."


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