the vail

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i wake up every morning,
and look myself in the mirror,

i smile,
then i put my backpack up,
and put this vail over my face,

so no one see's the real me,
so no one will know who i am,
or where i came from

and where've i've been

i walk down the streets
look straight at my direction,

i carry these secrets,
that no one knows,
and when i walk into society,
i feel like i'm hiding a lot,
especially who i am,
and who've i associated in the past

i'm not perfect,
but i can tell you,

i'm not like them

never was,
never will

i put this vail on,
so i hide all the pain,
so no one will know who i am,
or what i went through

i don't want them knowing that side of me,
knowing how damaged i am,
how scarred i am

how i've become a different person

i am not the same,
and i will never be the same
ever again

and i've accepted that

the vail,
i never forget to put it on,

i wear it like it's my best friend...

what hurts the most (poetry)Where stories live. Discover now