Chapter 6

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Mark Point of View

Preparing for our new comeback. This one could be our best one yet. But I always believe that each time we have a comeback because each one was better than the last one. I love it. We are all together and not in different countries. Before this, I was in Thailand with BamBam doing some hosting and fashion covers for magazines. I love it, but it is not the same as being in the studio with the guys. JB has been getting us to have a section tone because of the songs he wrote. Also, at the same time, Jackson had some songs for the group. And too, BamBam. Man, these guys are inspired by their girls. I don't mind because the girls became family for me, like having little sisters that I dreamed of for some time. I also can't really think of life without them because they bring so much happiness to the group. Angelica checks upon us to see what we are doing and is a good listener when needed and a good movie watcher partner if Jackson allows it. He is jealous that she has me as her bias or one of them. She mentioned that she has three biases in the group, and two of them are her boyfriend and me. The third, I don't know. But I did make her confess on her bias reck JB. So I don't mind since I see her as a little sister again. Allison, oh gosh, baby Allison that what I call her. She is perfect for our macknae since they are purely innocent and love trying different things together. I do see them date for a long time. She is a gamer, and we have played against each other in some games, well, the ones Yuegweon allows me to. Again jealous all because she said one time that I am good-looking. Man, these two Jackson and Yeuygweum are jealous freaks. Then Deliana, another little sister to who I am close. She is like Angelica to allow me to vent and give good advice. But can also be seen lost at times or just in her phone a lot. JB is okay with me and her hanging out alone since we both love animals, primarily dogs and poetry. I sometimes write things and send them to her to see how she reacts before sending them to the other girls. She gave me a thumbs up every time and said, keep going. I smiled and always felt comfortable with her. Then comes Lina. Lina and I love fashion and make-up hacks at times. She constantly tells me to talk about my styles to update some stuff. I laughed and let her be. Also, she is very mature for her age; she would roll her eyes or just laugh in terms of anything child-like behavior we do. She would also be cautious with everything she does since she is scared of Bambam's fans. I just text her to tell her to ignore them and continue living life, which means studying and loving Bambam. She just texted a smiley emoji and went on with life itself. She can give out good advice, but most of it says growing up, but I don't believe that she believes in that advice, so don't follow it. But anyway, comeback mode is kind of crazy for now.

Then came the day of me having a meeting with management. I became nervous because is a meeting just me alone with none of my members. Would they ask me to do a duo or solo with someone? Are they planning me going on a drama? What is going on? I got there to see my manager and Twice's manager. I am lost. Twice's manager what is going on. I just look around to see none of the girl group members, and it is just me here. I looked at my own manager, who pointed out a chair for me to sit on and started to be polite. I am here confused about what is going on. The meeting started there, and my mind didn't process anything they were discussing. I just know that my mind went back or understood one part, Sana. I heard her name, and there I saw her in the room. Wow, when did she come in. Then I ask, "What is going on with Sana?"

—: "Ahh, the company thought about a power couple inside the company can help out on gaining more popularity," said my manager.

—: "Then what that has to do with me?" I ask.

—: "Well, you know JB, Jackson, Bambam, and Yuguyeme are dating none celebrities girlfriends," said my manager.

—: "Yeah and?" I said, inpatient.

—: "Well, we thought it would be nice to have at least one Got7 member dating a celebrity, and we thought of you," my manager said.

—: "Why me?" I ask.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2022 ⏰

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