Chapter 4

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Angelica point of view

This will be a great surprise for the boys at their concert or even tour. We called up their manager to tell them about our plan to surprise them at their show that we had planned months in advance. We had bought the tickets before calling the manager and keep quiet. The boys had visited before a few months back, but we didn't say anything about it. Oh, they will be so surprised to know about us going to one of their concerts. They will be so shock and probably mad at us by not telling them but will be happy to see us. They will be so delighted, but I hope they will not call us up on stage to show us off to the fans. But knowing my boyfriend Jackson, he would do it. But still.

We are checking in to our hotel rooms before going to the rooms to unpack. I was sharing a room with Lina since we are both girlfriends of rappers. In contrast, the other two, Allison and Deliana, share a room as the girlfriends of a vocalist. But our rooms are right next to each other. I was getting my t-shirt of Jackson when I heard my phone going crazy with Jackson's song Dawn of Us. Lina looks at it and says, "God answered him. I unpack your stuff." I look at her strangely and say, "Are you done unpacking?" She nodded and motion to my phone with her finger. I get the phone off the charger and answered the call.

—: "Hello," I said.

—: "Hey beautiful, how are you?" he asks on the other line.

—: "Exhausted from being my mom's assistant," I said to him.

—: "Yeah, I can imagine with pre-teens and all, but it will help in the long run with your profession," he said so supportively.

—: "Hmmm, and how was your day? How is been on tour again?" I ask, knowing probably answer.

—: "Fun, except for the rehearsal we had today for tomorrow's show, was so tiring, but that's part of the job that I love," he said.

—: "Oh, okay, and how is New York treating you, babe?" I ask him with a smile.

—: "Great, but I want you here to enjoy it with me. Like I planned a date on this restaurant that I think you like and go shopping on the New York stress. Also, knowing you are going to some museums here and there," he says.

—: "How long are you going to be there?" I ask, knowing the answer since we were told by their manager but needed to hear it by him to keep the presumption of us girls not being here.

—: "Like two to three weeks don't know and don't care just want to see the fans and do what I love to do, but really I want you here my love is so lonely here without you," he said to me, feeling the sadness in his voice.

—: "It is okay, we will see each other soon," I said happily.

—: "Hmm, like in three or four months, but still is not much," he said.

—: "Oh god, Jackson, you saw me like what a month ago," I said by his drama.

—: "Yeah, on the set of my music video. Babe, since then when I see you," he said so dramatically.

—: "Ahh, some misses someone who cuddles with him," I say in a baby voice.

—: "Hey, don't mock me, Angie. I have not mock you in this," he said to be dramatic.

—: "Because I don't have a missing girlfriend crisis. Baby, I love you, and please get some rest," I say to him with joy.

—: "You are enjoying this, but I would let it slide for today," he said. I imagine that he is moving his finger up in the air. Or he might be in his hotel bed chilling while whoever is his roommate enjoys the show.

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