Chapter 5

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Angelica point of view

New school year came around, and the boys ended their tour. They are right now preparing for a comeback in Korea. The girls and I were in classes preparing for our semester of practice. The professors were driving us nuts with the material. There were moments of craziness but liveable for us. But we at least have the boys to talk to and of other things. Then a day came that Jackson called me out of nowhere in the early morning.

—: "Hey, baby girl," Jackson said.

—: "Hey babe, why so early?" I ask.

—: "Well, I wanted to tell you something," he said hippie.

—: "Then say it," I said.

—: "So how about you and the girls are going to our comeback and some friends of yours too," he said.

—: "What?" I ask

—: "Yeah, you guys are going to Korea to see our comeback," he said.

—: "Jackson, what are you thinking? We have classes. We can't just dump that for a comeback," I said to him.

—: "Babe, I figure it out and have talked to your professors. They say it is okay; you just need to talk to the girls," he said.

—: "Jackson, I am almost in practice. What are you thinking?" I ask.

—: "Most of your classes are online, so you are not going to miss any class, babe," he answered.

—: "But I am not telling the girls," I said.

—: "Can the figure out the boys will tell them. But there is a catch," he said.

—: "What catch?" I ask.

—: "There are several tickets because I kind the separate eight tickets since we know there are other people who are fans of ours, so yeah, sorry," he said very fast the last bite.

—: "I love you so much, but sometimes you are crazy," I said.

—: "I know, but love, you need to get some rest. See you, baby girl," he said, hanging up the phone. I throw the phone to my bed to start yelling like crazy but in a good way.

Allison point of view

I was watching videos with some of my friends of BTS when I got a call from Yugyeom. I didn't answer at first to not be rude to my friends. But my phone keeps going on, so my guy friend angel responded to me. He looks at me with a shocked face once he heard the voice behind the call. He hands me the phone back to say, your boyfriend. It was on speaker, and my face was red. I didn't speak for some time and heard Yugyeom's voice asking for me. I answer with a shy hello.

—: "You worry me, baby. So how are you?" he asks.

—: "Fine. But why do you call me when you are in comeback mode" I said to worry about him.

—: "Is okay. I am going to tell you something amazing," he said.

—: "What is it?" I ask.

—: "You are coming to the comeback show," he answered with excitement.

—: "Ahh, what?" I ask in surprise.

—: "Ah, Allison, you luck bitch" Naruk said.

—: "Ah, I have class," I said shyly.

—: "Jackson took care of everything, and the professor is cool with it. And not just the girls can come but your other friends," he said.

—: "What?" I ask sock.

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