Chapter 3

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How many days do we have with these boys? Like what fourteen days or less we have. I don't know. I just enjoy the time I have with my boyfriend Jackson and see my friend Allison's happy face with her boyfriend Yugyeom. But there was another romance in the air; JB and Deliana have been getting closer. They are at each other's company every time we hang out at the university when they visit or at the rental house in a gated community near our university and the beach. The other members make fun of him but not Jackson or Yugyeom because they know better to make fun of them. They know we both will kill them if they do so. Plus, Jackson is fine with it by not hearing Deliana's voice tell him off of me. I just find it funny to see Deliana involve with a guy when she only sees all the kpop groups and has an ultimate group called BTS but likes JYP acts. JB has become a little soft being around Deliana because he has done much cute stuff to make her see him and has been a little bit touchy with her than the rest. This gives me an idea to do a group date, but I need to get another friend of ours into this idea. My idea is a simple group date in the movies. Right now, I can't think of that because I am in the middle of a date with Jackson at the pizzeria in the metro area. We were just chilling at the table eating sharing a medium size pizza with a few soft drinks.

—: "How was the day for you?" Jackson ask.

—: "It was cool. I didn't know someone likes going around historical tours in a city," I said.

—: "Hey, I thought it was something you might love, plus it was kind of cute seeing your face when we got there," Jackson said with a smile.

—: "Eh, still I told you that not all dates need to be what I like; what about you and your likes," I said, schooling him on the subject.

—: "I don't know you to get hurt, plus it is not like we didn't do something I like. Remember the day of going to the rainforest," he said with a smile.

—: "Yeah, I remember. I just don't like you doing this. I like simple things, Jackson," I said to him with a pout.

—: "Don't care, and take that face-off. I don't like it; it makes me upset, okay," he said, touching my nose before taking a sip of his drink.

—: "Fine, I just hope Allison is doing well on her date," I said.

—: "Well, let see is a date with Yugyeom, but Bambam tag along maybe can be good or not," he said to me with a smile of having me alone.

—: "You are right," I said.

Jackson drinks a little bit of his drink before calling the waiter to ask for the check and pay the bill. I hate that, but he says he wants to. I smile before getting a call from Allison, upset with Yugyeom again. I can tell something went wrong and ask about the date. She answered with the simple come to the rental house. Jackson returns to the table and asks if everything was okay. I shook my head no, and he sight because he knew it was about Yugyeom and Allison. He kissed my cheek and took my hand in his to leave the pizzeria to go back to the house. Jackson drove there and talk about something else than the other couple. We got there in thirty minutes, or so I just got out of the car went direct to the door to open it to hear yelling from someone. I can tell the voices and where JB and Yugyeom yelling at each other. I ran there to see Deliana concerting Allison. I walk there to hug Allison and ask about the date.

—: "Horrible," Deliana said.

—: "Ally," I said.

—: "We went to the mall, and it was about just us but Bambam came along because he wanted to go do some shopping. I just thought that Bambam would go alone to shop and leave Yugyeom and me to do our own thing, but I guess I was wrong," Allison said.

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