Chapter 1

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Finley's POV:

Hi, you may or may not know me but.. I'm Finley, Finley Russo to be exact.

Well, my name used to be Finley Johnson, but it was changed after a crazy bastard kidnapped me and made me into his 'little boy.'

Let me tell you about him... Angelo Russo.

The most feared Italian mafia leader.

He's also known as my 'caretaker' if we are talking in ddlb form.

Yupppp, that just doesn't happen does it? WELL, IT FUCKING DID.

Seems like something made up? WELL, IT FUCKING ISN'T.

I can't say my time with him has been bad? It hasn't... Crazy I know, but I've met a lot of great people... Those were stolen from me.

Orion Russo.

He's not involved with the Mafia but he owns many companies that make the guns for multiple other Mafias.

He's my Uncle Orion... Adoptively.

That's right, the son of a bitch adopted me a little after my grandparents passed away.

We are still trying to figure out who did it... Uncle Orion is taking a big part in it.

Ameer Russo...

This man is a crazy as they come... But you'll never find someone as protective as him.

He was my best friend... He was also my cousin, well Uncle Orion's adopted kid.

He's also a ddlb baby, like me.

He was taken away from me.. Wrongfully taken away from me.

I'm going to get him back... I have a plan.
"Fera, do you mind taking me to go see him," I asked my bodyguard Fera... I refused to go back to ddlb after Ameer was shipped off to a mental institution.

After Ameer's last psychotic break Uncle Orion sent him away to get him help.

I try and visit as much as possible, but Dad never lets me visit if I get in trouble at school or get bad grades...

Which... I get in trouble a lot.

"I'm sorry Master Finley, but your father gave me direct orders that you're not allowed to go out until your suspension at school is up," Fera said to me.

I got into another fight at school... Here let me tell you about it.
Oron Academic High.

Aka the rich kid school.

I and Ameer went here together and had gym and lunch together, but after he was sent away I've been by myself.

Fera was only allowed to accompany during lunch and break... He used to come to class, but the teachers found it distracting that he was there.

I have had a hard time making friends, I think it's because of my intimidating personality. Well, that's what Ameer said anyways.

Ameer was crazy, but he picked and choose his fights.

This kid named Gavin. Gavin Lockwart.

My fights would consist around him... Ameer would always step in though.

Gavin was the kid I got into a fight with. But it was his fault.

He said the wrong things.

"What's up loser," Gavin said as he kicked the back of my legs.

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