"You remember our manager Reny, right? He will be the one who is leading this project. You had been close to him when you were a kid. He will meet with you to discuss when you are available".

He just uttered another hmm still trying to comprehend what's happening.

His grand dad cleared his throat again before speaking to Luna.

"You do not have to feel we are doing this only for Tom. We will do plenty for you and your husband when you are getting married. You can start a business after you are married with him. His father and I are talking about a few options already."

That's when Tomas realised Luna is even more fucked up than he is. He looked up at her and surprisingly she looked very calm and just nodded to what his grand father was saying.

Rest of the lunch was uneventful for both of them as the family discussed more and more business matters. When they cleared the table, Tomas eyed Luna to meet him at the garden.

Before he could start walking, his mother caught up with him;

"Baby, are you sad?"

He knew his mother was genuinely worried and she knew he chose movies because he wanted to stay away from the family business.

"I am okay, mom. May he it's a good thing. I would have started something of my own sometime later."

He said trying to reassure himself and his mother.

"Mom, I will come back. Luna is waiting for me", he just released himself from his mother's embrace and started walking towards the garden.

"Luna, are you okay?"

That's the only thing he could ask seeing her. She was on the verge of tears and he didn't understand how did she manage to hold it in during the lunch.

"I am not okay. I don't even know what I am feeling anymore. I haven't talked to Max in two weeks and it is killing me. All I want to do is meet him even if it's just for a few minutes. But then, I feel I am being cruel to him and I am just using him for my own benefit."

She started blabbering slowly lying on Tomas's shoulders. He gently patted her shoulders letting her get it all out. He didn't have to say anything and he didn't want to.

"This new guy who met me, he is a nice guy. But I feel guilty every time I try to talk to him."

She paused,

"Tomas, would it be okay if I eloped with Max to somewhere else? We can start over?", she looked up at him from his shoulders hopefully.

Tomas let out a deep sigh.

"You can do that, sure. Would you be okay with doing that though? I know uncle and grandpa are too strict, but I don't think you would be able to hurt them or leave them just like that."

Luna also sighed and started thinking again.

"That's the issue. I cannot just leave all the comfort I am used to here either. May be Max and I will be able to manage ourselves, but we will never be this comfortable and I don't know if I can live without those."

Tomas held Luna closer and gently rubbed her arms without speaking anything. She also looked lost in thoughts trying to calculate everything in her head.


He didn't feel like directly going back home after the lunch. He needed to relax and meet some people before he could go home. He decided to drop by his friend's cafe and took a seat at his usual place.

"Hey! Your friend from the sometime back came by just a few days back". The waitress exclaimed, bringing in his usual.

So he is around, he is just not meeting me. Tomas thought to himself replying the waitress with a small smile.

"He left his glasses here. We didn't have his contact. Can you take it to him if you guys are meeting?"

Tomas didn't even think for a minute before grabbing his keys and Roy's glasses along. He started the car without even knowing Roy's address. In the car, he pressed his contact with Roy's name on and three rings, he heard a hello at the other end.

"Where are you?"

He heard a confused "I am home" from the other end.

"Where is that?"

"What?" Roy asked, still confused.

"Tell me your address, dumbass"!

"Argh..hmm.. It's argh, I will send you the GPS."

"Okay, see you!"

Seeing the message pop up on his phone, he pressed start and begun driving.

"You are 3 minutes away from your destination."

That's only when Tomas realised what he was doing and he started panicking slightly. He didn't know whether to continue driving or go back.

He continued driving, trying to calm himself down.

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