Andrew Toll, the Guardian

Start from the beginning

Raven Branwen (Human-Tortus, Job: Hero, In Episode 7, she would have almost killed him in cold blood if it weren't for Qrow saving him)
"Him" (Ehit)
Yukitoshi Shimizu (Human-Earth, After he betrayed his class for the Demons)
"The Wraith" (Beastmen-Minotaur/Tortus, Job: Swordsmaster. In Season Two, Episode 10, he would have been a hateful mercenary with a hatred for humanity who knew Blake like in canon, only that his hatred over humanity outweighs his hatred over Blake, more focused on being a cold-blooded killer with a vengeance streak. Blake would have confronted him during the siege much to her surprise and detriment).

(Andrew's Journey starts in Episode Four Canon when Hajime is hanging around in the Labyrinth)

He has a spark for soccer, he mostly keeps to himself but he hangs around Hajime because he hates being alone with the "loudmouths" in his class and if he needs help with something. He was around in a different class which didn't help but that didn't stop him from getting bored out of his mind and ignored all the annoying shenanigans happening there. Understanding, Cantankerous, diligent, and inquisitive, and reasonable. Andrew isn't exactly someone to push around with but he will be there when you need it. He gets abruptly summoned to Tortus after getting his "game gig" after school three years after his hang-out buddy Hajime vanished, like he disappeared like fog in the school. Now understandably pissed off that he got taken from the moment of his prime and from his "gig" though he recognizes Hajime's "class buddies" and at least calms down a bit before leaving the "Kingdom" to explore this new world as an adventurer to find out why exactly he's been summoned here and to find a way home. He'll hang out with Kousuke and Yukitoshi (before he defected to the Demons) now in Tortus since Hajime is off somewhere else in Tortus, trying to get home too and Andrew will be mostly doing adventurer stuff in the Adventurer's Guild and because Hajime's classmates are the people he can hang around with.  Andrew doesn't care much about ability more or less about having the will to use it. He believes that bunny girls are better much to his annoyance that he has Blake, a sassy cat-girl in his party but he doesn't really care about it all that much since he basically stuck with her. He's basically considered a tsundere by mainly everyone who know him. Since arriving in this world, he's been indulging in his curiosity about how Tortus works, particularly the Monsters that dwell in this new world and how mana works. In Season Two, Ozpin would later find out the reason for Andrew's appearance to Tortus by "Him" as a way to tie up loose ends, like his hunting hound by killing the "heretic traitor" Raven, only that plan didn't exactly work 100 percent due to Andrew's disposition and his inquisitive nature about the history of Tortus and why he and Hajime's classmates summoned here outweighing his loyalty to the Church.

Harem: Blake (Progressive), Weiss (Progressive), Ruby (One-sided, Andrew sees Ruby only as a child while Ruby continues trying), Yang (One-sided, Andrew knows that she needs friends, not a boyfriend and wants to keep it that way, this gets resolved in Season Two), Raven Branwen (to his detriment as she tried to kill him twice before, more like a friend with benefits), Velvet, and Penny (First Love Interest)

Themes (his first, main one should be above the title)

(Episode 10) Killing Yukitoshi's wyverns and Bahals that are coming to rampage:

(Phase One):

(Phase Two Starts at 4:00 and Phase Three starts at 6:54):

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