Chapter 14: Surprise part 2

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Cain: August 14th 2017

I've spent the last couple days watching Brielle with her family, I think I fell for her even more watching her talk school drama with her little sister, and baking cookies with her mom, my favourite so far though had to be watching her play Just Dance with her dad. Fuck I haven't laughed that hard in years. We are on our second last night here and Bri is currently out shopping with her mom and sister. I'm watching basketball, drinking beer with her dad.

I know this is going to sound crazy... but I guess when you know you know right? "Hey Adam... can I ask you something?" I choke out nervously. "What's up son?" He asks me taking a swig of beer. "Umm well this is going to sound crazy and possibly irresponsible but sir I love your daughter. More than I even love myself. I will protect her for the rest of my life", I manage to say, "go on" he looks at me firmly. Fuck this dude is intimidating. "Do I have your permission to marry your daughter? I promise I will be the best man I can be for her".

Brielle's father Adam stares at me for a few seconds, making me extremely nervous, but then he speaks. "Of course you have my permission, what I have seen is that you love my daughter and you have protected her in a time when I wasn't there. You are a good man and Brielle would be lucky to have you as a husband". He pats me firmly on the shoulder before he stands up to get us another beer.

After another hour the girls return home, Bri runs right into my arms like we haven't seen each other in years when in reality it's only been a few hours. "I missed you", she whispers into my ear. "Missed you too princess". I kiss her forehead before I set her back down on her feet.

I eat dinner with her family for another night, her mother is an amazing cook. Tonight we are having her famous spaghetti and meatballs. After dinner Bri leads me to her childhood room and we have a little junior high make out session. Just as things start to really heat up and I'm about to undo Brielle's jeans there's a light tap on the door, "hunny someone is outside for you", her mother says through the door. "Hmm I wonder who it is", Brielle says as she readjusts herself before she opens the door. "You comin?" She looks back at me, "yeah I'll meet you down there in a minute", I tell her glancing at my rock hard dick in my sweats. She lets out a giggle before she skips down stairs.

Next thing I hear is a scream coming from my girl. Fuck! I jump up so quick and sprint down the stairs, I see my girl in the arms of a tall young brunette man. I clench my fist and refrain from losing my shit. I don't want to seem like a controlling prick like Daniel. Suddenly I feel a gentle hand come down on my shoulder. "Thats Nathan dear, they've been friends since they were in diapers. When her and Daniel started seeing eachother she had to cut contact with Nathan, but you have nothing to worry about, I see the way my daughter looks at you", Caroline, Brielle's mom tells me.

"Cain come meet my childhood best friend Nathan!" Bri beams from the bottom of the stares. "Childhood best friend? As far as I'm concerned we are still best friends", Nathan jokes but I don't find it funny... Bri is my best friend. But I knock off the childish jealousy and walk down the stairs to shake his hand. "Good to meet you", I nod at him. "You as well. I hope you're treating my girl right", he says as he squeezes my hand tighter. I let out a little chuckle and squeeze his hand right back even harder, "oh yes I am treating my girl like the princess she is", I tell him with a smirk.

Us 3 head out to the back deck, I sit and have a few beer while I watch my girl laugh like crazy with this man who is apparently her best friend. I can't help but notice the way he looks at her though... it looks more then fucking friendly to me. Bri is sitting across from me and beside Nathan, I would be angry except she's been rubbing my leg with her foot under the table for the last half hour, it's like she knows I'm on edge and she's trying to keep me calm. "Do you remember that mud fight we had when we were what like 17?" Nathan asks Bri and I notice she starts blushing like crazy. "Oh god don't remind me", she laughs slightly awkwardly. Nathan looks over at me, "we wrestled in the mud until we were covered head to toe, my mom made us rinse off in the yard before we came in the house so we stripped down naked and hosed each other off with ice cold water", he chuckles but the way he's looking at me shows that he wants a war. I can tell Bri is feeling quite uncomfortable in this situation... "oh sorry I guess I shouldn't talk about seeing Bri naked in front of her boyfriend", he laughs.

I stand up and chug the last of my beer. "I'm gonna head in, I'll see you in bed baby" I walk over and tilt up her chin and plant a deep kiss on her perfect lips. I linger longer just to piss off Nathan, I can tell it works because he starts shifting in his seat. "I'll come with you", she smiles up at me. "Aww no Bri come on have another with me", Nathan begs pathetically. She looks up at me like she's asking my permission. I give her a nod and one more kiss before heading in for the night.

Brielle's little sister is in the kitchen when I walk in. "Hey Cain", she smiles. "Hey, what are you doing up so late?" I ask her, she giggles "it's only 10 silly, I'm not a baby", she tells me with the same sass that Bri sometimes uses with me. "My sister really loves you", she says once she notices me staring out the window at my girl who currently has another mans arm around her. "Looks like her friend out there might love her too", I nod my head in the direction of Nathan. "Yeah he does... he's been like obsessed with her for years but she isn't interested at all. They are just friends, they have been since before I was even born", she informs me. "Good to know. Thanks kid" I smile down at the mini version of Bri. "I like you better then Nathan and Daniel" she says, looking like she might cry. Suddenly she steps forward and hugs me around the waist. I give her a few pats on the back, "can you keep a secret?" I ask her. "Yes!" She jumps up and down. "Shhh I'm serious you can't tell anyone".

"I'm going to ask your sister to marry me", "oh my god!" She covers her mouth before she screams too loudly. "You need to do it here! Oh my god! Brielle always told me about this dream she had. She has a perfect place in mind where she wants it to happen! Oh my god! Let me help you!" She starts bouncing. "Okay okay! Tomorrow morning, your sister won't wake up before 11. Meet me down stairs at 8 and we will go run some errands", I tell her before sending her off to bed. "I'm so excited to have a brother!" She squeals as she heads upstairs. I look out the window and take one more look at my girl. She's laughing her ass off to something Nathan said, I want to go out and beat the fucker but I'm confident in my relationship at this point. I'm going to marry that woman. Very soon.

At around midnight Bri creeps into the room, I'm still wide awake doing work on my phone. I look up and notice she has a slight guilty look on her face... "what happened?" I ask her setting my phone aside and hopping off the bed. She just looks down at her feet. "Brielle you're making me sick here... what's going on?" I beg her, thinking the sick fuck tried something. "He kissed me", she spits out. "Fuck!" I yell and start pacing the room so I don't punch a fuckin hole in the wall. "Shhh! Don't wake my parents!" She demands. "That fucker touched you", I say through gritted teeth. She walks over to me and puts her hand on my bare chest. "He kissed me once when I leaned in for a hug. I pulled away instantly Cain I promise!" She starts to tear up. "Hey shh it's okay I'm not mad at you", I pull her into a hug.

"I told him if he can't respect my relationship then I can't be his friend anymore... and well he told me that he's moving to London and that he can't be my friend anymore because he's in love with me and seeing me with another man hurts too much", she chuckles shaking her head. "After all these years he still loved me", she says with an odd look on her face.  "Did you ever feel the same way?" I ask her cautiously, "no never", she insists. "I just can't believe someone would love someone like me for this long", she laughs again. "Baby you are very loveable. It's time you start to see that for yourself", I tell her before planting a kiss on her forehead.

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