Chapter 10: Don't leave me

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Cain: July 29th 2017

I feel like I am in heaven right now. I have never experienced this type of joy in my entire life. I am staring at the mysterious girl that popped into my life and wow I don't think I can image my life without her now... she has the most gorgeous smile on her face in this moment and she is glowing in the warm sunset. When she says the words "I need you right now", I lose all self control. I grab her slippery wet skin and pull her close and kiss her again hungrily because even though it's only been like 5 minutes since I kissed her last I already miss her lips. I'm so into kissing my dream girl that I don't even notice my phone buzzing until Bri pulls her lips away from mine, "do you need to get that?"

I hesitatingly go over to my phone that is on top of my the blanket. It's fucking Dana. I don't want to answer it but I see she's already texted me like 20 times and if I don't pick up she won't quit. "What the fuck do you want!?" I bark into the phone. "You'll never make it here in time. I'll be dead long before", Dana's shakey voice says. "What the fuck did you do? Stop whatever you have planned!" I demand. "It's too late my sweet Cain, goodbye". The phone cuts dead. "Fuck!!" I scream out as I toss my phone into the dirt. "What's going on?" Brielle asks me concerned. Still standing there in her wet panties and bra, her perfect nipples poking through the thin wet material, I want to tear her clothes off and kiss her until we both suffocate but I need to deal with this psychotic bitch first. "We have to go".

We pack the truck and head back into the city, since it's a 2 hour drive I obviously call 911, I don't know if Dana is trying to fuckin trick me into coming over or what but I'm not chancing a dead girl on my hands. Even someone like Dana.

We make it back to Calgary in less then 2 hours, I can tell that Bri is dying to ask me what's going on but she's deciding to stay quiet. I hate that I need to ruin her birthday evening. I pull up to Dana's apartment at around 9pm, an ambulance is parked out front and I see Dana being wheeled out the door in a stretcher right now. "Fuck", I smack the steering wheel making Brielle jump a bit, "sorry" I tell her before I hop out of the truck. She doesn't follow me which I appreciate, she doesn't need to see any of this.

As I approached the 2 paramedics notice me, "is she okay?" I ask them "are you family sir?" The young man ask me. "No but I'm the one that called 911", I tell them. "She was conscious when we arrived. She was able to tell us that she took 10 NyQuil before she passed out. She will be fine, she's just going to sleep for while and we will take her to the hospital to run some tests". "Will she be getting a psych evaluation?" I ask them, "of course" they tell me. I nod my head and as I'm about to walk back to the truck Dana croaks out, "I knew you'd come", "you need to get help", I tell her seriously before heading back to Bri.

Bri doesn't ask me what happened the whole ride home. She just sits quietly beside me, which I find very comforting. As we climb into the elevator I wrap my arm around Brielle waist, she lets out a small gasp but she eases into my arms. Once we make it to our floor she pulls out of my arms and walks ahead of me into the apartment. "Thank you so much for the wonderful day Cain", she says with her back to me as she bends over to take off her shoes. "No problem" I tell her, as I check out her fine ass in her white sundress I bought her. "I'm going to head to bed now, Goodnight", she says still without looking at me before she runs off to her room. Fuck I wasn't done with her for the night...

I decide to let her sleep and I head into my office to get some work done. My mind is all over the fucking place though and I can't focus on anything. I pull out my bottle of whiskey out of my desk drawer and drink it straight from the bottle. After I'm feeling pretty damn buzzed I head out for a smoke, I'm standing on the balcony shirtless with my bottle in one hand and a smoke in the other. I have so many thoughts running through my mind, mostly about Bri, yeah I'm worried about Dana but only really worried that she won't leave me the fuck alone and get the help she needs but I'm mostly just thinking about how insanely connected I am to Bri. I am terrified she doesn't feel the same way... I'm starting to get really nervous about her plans to leave. The thought of it makes me pound the strong liquor back some more.

Around 2am I stumble down the hall to my room, I'm drunk as fuck and need to pass out but stupid drunk me stops in front of Brielle's room. I wobble in front of her door for a moment before I decide that I need to go in. I try and be as quiet as possible but my stumbling self manages to wake Bri up the second I sit down on her bed. She flicks the dim night light on beside her bed, she sits up and looks at me with one eye closed, still half asleep. "What are you doing?" She mumbles. "Sleep", I say before I drop back on her bed. "Are you drunk?" "Mhm", "do you need help to your room?" She asks me, "Can I stay with you?", I slur out. "I thought you don't sleep with girls", she reminds me of my own words that I've said to her many times. "You're not like other girls", is all I can manage before I start to doze off.

I wake up again to tiny Brielle trying to lift my giant limp body up to the top of her bed. I notice that she is only wearing one of my shirts and a pair of red panties, I slip my hands up the sides of her waist and pull her on top of me. "Cain", she groans trying to escape my hold. "Cuddle me", I ask her like a fucking baby. "I thought you definitely didn't cuddle", she reminds me again. "I only make exceptions for you" I tell her honestly. "Okay fine. I'll cuddle you but can you at-least move your big ass body under my blankets", she says annoyed, tugging on the sheets that I'm laying on.

We crawl under her blankets and I wrap my arms around her and pull her in so tight there is no way she's escaping. "Can't breathe", she gasps, "shit sorry" I release my grasp a little. After a few minutes of silence my drunk ass decides to start talking. "You fit so perfectly in my arms, you're just so small and adorable", I tell her. She just giggles into my chest, "I never want to let you go", I admit, she just responds by squeezing her little arms around me tighter. "Don't leave me Bri" I whisper into her fresh smelling hair before I pass out.


I wake up with a pounding headache, Jesus Christ it feels like a bunch of jackhammers are drilling into my brain. I realize right away that I am not in my bed, fuck... all the memories of all the stupid, embarrassing things I said come rushing back, and to make matters worse Brielle isn't even beside me in her bed. I look over at the clock on the nightstand, 11am, okay well I guess I slept in, Bri must be in the kitchen or something. I roll out of her bed and head into the kitchen not caring that I'm only in boxers and I'm rocking some nice morning wood. I don't see Bri in the kitchen or the living room... I'm about to start to panic but then I see her laying outside on the balcony.

"Good morning", I groan as I head outside into sunlight and the summer heat. Holy fuck I'm hungover. "Hey", she mumbles as she continues reading her book. "Umm I'm sorry about last night" I say quietly, "it's okay we can forget it ever happened. You were just drunk, it didn't mean anything". She shrugs, and I have to admit her nonchalant attitude kind of stings... I basically professed my feelings for her last night and she seems like she really wants to forget about it. "I wouldn't say it didn't mean anything..." I admit. "Look Cain, I appreciate everything you said but I'm leaving... it's not safe for me in Calgary and well you have your own personal stuff... we just don't work, so I think it's best we just forget yesterday ever happened..." she says coldly. "Forget last night in your bed or forget everything that happened yesterday? Including the roadtrip?" I ask her, getting pissed off. "Everything, I'm sorry I appreciate the amazing birthday you gave me but the kiss should never of happened... the cuddling, the orgasms, fuck all of it Cain! I need to leave town and you are making it complicated as hell!" She yells out.

"So you just want to forget everything? I don't fucking believe that you can forget about the feelings you have for me!", I accuse her taking a step closer to her half naked body laying on my lawn chair. "You are an amazing friend.. and yeah sure I find you attractive but it can't go further then that", she shrugs again. "Bull shit!" I shout. "I'm sorry Cain... if you want me to leave I will find somewhere to go..." she whispers. "Bull shit!!" I yell again, she stands up and walks around me to head inside. I chase after her and grab her by the hand, being gentle so I don't spook her. "I know you feel it Bri", I pull her so closely to me and lean down so our foreheads are touching. "You fucking feel it. I know I'm not the only one baby... stop fighting it, I can protect you, let me be your safe place Brielle."I whisper before I bend down and place a soft kiss on her lips, she kisses me back but only for a second... "no Cain I'm sorry, I don't feel it. Daniel made it so I don't feel anything at all anymore. You are amazing, you deserve someone who isn't broken like me".

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