Chapter 2: Just one of those days

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Cain: July 17th 2017

I let the scorching hot water sting my back and soothe my sore muscles, I think I've been standing in the shower for about 20 minutes and I haven't even washed yet. It was just one of those fucking days... work stress like always, it's really the only type of stress I bother with these days but holy fuck let me tell you, owning your own company may sound nice but it can get to be A LOT, especially when you can't seem to find any decent fucking employees. I build houses, basically from the ground up. I have people hired in every area and I am also trained in fuckin everything so I try and do a lot of the work myself but it can be quite exhausting, but hey it's worth it. I am doing very well for myself.

After I wash the filth of my hard work day off in the shower I climb out and wrap a towel around my waist and head to my bedroom, which is attached to the bathroom. I notice my phone lit up on my bed so I go check it, assuming it's about work, but no it's one of the girls I see every once in a while, this particular one is fuckin psycho but she's also crazy in bed... in a good way.

Dana: hey sexy, come over tonight?
Cain: ya just hopping out of the shower, b there soon
Dana: can't wait ;)

I pull on a pair of grey sweats and a T-shirt with a black hoodie, just as I'm about to head out the door to go get laid my phone starts ringing, fuck it's John. I pick up the phone as I climb into my shiny black 2017 Dodge Ram, "what's up John?" "Hey man, as I was leaving tonight I noticed a ticket on your trailer parked out front of the site". He tells me, "ahh fuck okay thanks for letting me know", "no prob have a good night boss". I hang up and start up my truck and head over to the site quick on my way to Dana's apartment. Damn fuckin people calling and complaining about a trailer being parked on the side of the road as I'm tryin to fuckin work.

As I come up to the site I notice a person walking on the sidewalk near the house, they freeze suddenly and then bolt into the fuckin house that I'm currently building! Fuck sakes, anything else want to happen today? I pull up to the driveway and hop out of the truck and charge towards the door. I'm definitely going to be talking to John about making sure he locks the fuckin doors at night. Damn squatters probably sleeping in the basement.

I shine my flashlight from my phone down the basement stairs and demand they come up stairs or I will call the police. After a minute of silence I scream out again "NOW!!" and that's when someone stumbles in front of the stairs, my light is shining on what looks to be a young girl... "holy fuck... are you okay kid?" She looks up at me and my light shines upon her stunning, but battered face... "I'm not a kid".

I lead the girl up the stairs, she obviously has had a even worse night then me and she looks like she could use help... I try and convince her to come and I will set her up in a hotel for a few nights but this girl is stubborn as hell. Finally after a few minutes of arguing I get her in the truck. "You gonna tell me your name yet?" I ask her as I open the passenger door for her. She just shakes her head not even looking at me.

I make my way to a hotel that's close by, as we approach I go to point out her window to show her what hotel I'm setting her up in and she jumps out of her seat like she's terrified I'm about to hit her, she lets out a little shriek that pains me... "woah princess I'm sorry, I was just showing you that's the hotel. I'm sorry I startled you", I tell her in a calm voice. "I'm so sorry", she whimpers. "You have nothing to be sorry about, don't worry" I insist, damn this girl is... jumpy.

"Are you going to be okay in the hotel? Like are you safe?" I ask as I pull up in front. "Yes", she says quietly. I just sit there staring at the steering wheel thinking for a second... I don't know what the fuck is going through my head but something is telling me to help her... I put the truck in reverse and pull out of the parking lot back onto the road. "What...where are you going?" She asks me confused, "you're not staying at a hotel", I simply state. "Oh okay... you can just drop me off at a park or something maybe", she says which fuckin pisses me off. "You're not sleeping in a fucking park. I'm taking you to my house and cleaning up your cuts and bruises, then you will spend a few nights in my spare bedroom until we figure something out".

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