“She agrees! Now kiss!” Chaewon said as she removed Minju off her and tried to push Hitomi and Nako’s heads together.

“Don’t take it too far” Hitomi responded, Nako gestures to Hitomi to sit down so she can clean her face, Hitomi sighs and sits down on her bed.

“Im being a normal person unlike you two” Nako looks at Chaewon and Minju where Minju was sitting on Chaewon’s lap in a erotic way as she cleaned Chaewon’s face.

“Then sit like that if you want” Minju scoffed, Nako teasingly smirks and sits on Hitomi’s lap the way Minju was to Chaewon.

Hitomi blushed before pushing Nako off her, Chaewon looked at the two who were now laughing, Chaewon expression’s softened as she looked at Minju again.

“Do you think she’ll finally realize?” Minju whispered, Chaewon shrugged.

“Hiichan is too dense to realize she’s falling for Nako”

---time skip--

The cafeteria was as normal, being filled with chatting, the soccer team would always sit in the corner to avoid everyone else.

“Yena, wakey wakey” Yujin turns her head to Yena who was poking her food with her chopsticks.

“How was your date with Yuri?” Jinsoul teased, Yena shrugged and gave them a smile.

“It was fine, I guess, I got to learn more about her” Yena smiles proudly making everyone laugh along with her.

“That’s some progress” Hyewon joins their conversation, Yena’s smiles disappear as she looks at Hyewon.

“I wish, she only has eyes for you” Yena spoke, in annoyance, Hyewon noticed quickly and so did the others.

“I breathed and you are already mad at me” Hyewon spoke as she sighed, Yena stood up giving Hyewon a threatening look, Yujin tried to make Yena sit down but Yena just glared at Hyewon.

“That’s enough, girls” Moonbyul sits them down before going to sit in between Sooyoung and Jinsoul.

“Before I go, Yuri is approaching, see you guys” Sooyoung grabs her bags and starts to walk away.

“Yeah yeah go with Jiwoo” Hyejoo wakes up from her slumber, Soyoung faces her as she starts to walk backwards sticking up the middle finger at Hyejoo before running away.

“Hyewon, how was your weekend?” Yuri asked as she approached them, Hyewon looked at Yuri and back at Yena.

“It was fine, thank you” Hyewon gave Yuri a warm grin.

“Ah! Hyewon, did you get the cake I sent you?” Yuri asked, Hyewon’s smile turned into a confused expression as she slowly looked at Yena who had a disappointed expression, but her eyes caught someone familiar staring at her.

“Cake..cake..?”  Hyewon mumbled as she looked at Yuri with an awkward smile.

“Yes! I did, it was very delicious” Hyewon exclaimed, Yuri smiled, Eunbi looked away quickly after her and Hyewon’s eyes met, Hyewon still tries to find Eunbi’s eyes again but fails.

“If you want, I can make you more” as much as Hyewon loved food and espicelly cake, she couldn't accept it for Eunbi and Yena, so she shook her head as she smiled.

“Yuri, class should be starting soon, Yena would you like to take her to class?” Hyewon offers to take Yena back, Yujin smirks as nudges Yena to agree.

“M-me?” Yena stuttered, Hyewon nodded, Yena sighs before nodding and standing up to walk with Yuri out the cafeteria.

“Good one, Kang” Moonbyul high fives Hyewon with a proud smile.



“Yena unnie, I don’t have class right now” Yuri spoke as they were half way through the way to class, as much Yena wanted to run away she couldn't so she smiled sheepishly.

“I can take you back to the cafeteria” Yena said as she looked the other way to the cafeteria.

“Unnie, I don’t want to go back”

“Hm? Why?”

“Forget it-”

“It’s about Hyewon right?”

“How do you know?”

“Have a nice day” Yena excused herself before running away around the corner where Yujin and Yeojin were watching them.

“No luck?”

“Fuck you” Yena responded sarcasicly.

“I mean Hyewon is pretty hot..” Yeojin mumbled about earning a nudge from Yujin.

“And you are hot too!” Yeojin continued as she laughed awkwardly as she looked up at Yujin.

“You guys don’t help for shit” Yena said, Yeojin and Yujin looked at each other for a while as they transferred ideas to their minds.

“As your juniors, we shall help you” Yeojin and Yujin bowing 45 degrees making Yena chuckle.

“Starting now!” Yeojin exclaimed as they standed straight again.

“Wait tomorrow” Yujin corrected, Yeojin nodded confidently before clearing her own throat.

“We, Im Yeojin and Ahn Yujin shall help you”

“Come on Yeojin, I should get you home before lunch ends” Yena ruffled Yeojin’s hair as she went on the tip of her toes to put her arm around Yujin’s arm as the two started to walk.


Jungeun looked at her phone and back at Jisung who was working, Jungeun was impatient to leave, but there was only 5 more minutes left of tutoring.

“It’s Jisung!” Jungeun hears some girls exclaim, making her look in that direction where a group of girls had approached them as they ask for selfies.

“Jungeun?” Jisung sees Jungeun start to get her things and leaves the cafe, Jisung looks at the cup Jungeun left before taking off the sleeve to see the words “Jindori Lippie” making him smirk.

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