At the statement, Seungyeon smiles back at him in joy.

"Promise?" he asks.

"Promise." Jin accepts.


As all the check up is finished, he was released from the hospital in the evening. The sky is still painted with the beautiful mixture of orange and purple shades.

They come again. Taehyung and Hoseok come.

"The others couldn't make it hyung, sorry" Taehyung says as he walks closer to Jin who was just stepping on the floor from his sickbed. He hugs him, patting his back.

Jin looks at the two in confusion.

"Do you want to eat something before we go to your home?" Hoseok asks.

So they wants to accompany him home.

They didn't even let Jin to answer that as they dragged him to eat in a restaurant for dinner. All his favourite foods are served but Jin's appetite was long gone. He didn't even eat as much as he used to eat.

From being the most muscular person in the group during their early days, Jin now is one of the thinnest and smallest one. Except for his broad shoulders, his body is just too thin, his hands are slender so does his waist.

They eat together but for most of the part, Jin just plays with his food while listening to the story that both Taehyung and Hoseok are sharing to him.

"Hyung, how are you all this while?" Hoseok asks, sincerely.

The question caught him off guard. What is he supposed to say to answer that question?

"I-I'm fine...?" Jin stutters as he mutters the words. It didn't come out like a statement but more like a question.

Frowning upon getting the answer to his question, Hoseok looks at Jin's hand, especially the hand that Jin abused so much.

Shaking, he could see that.

"We have a gift for you at home! You will like it for sure" Hoseok says as he tears his eyes away from looking at the hand when he noticed that Jin is aware of his gaze.

"I guess...?" Jin again replies in his soft voice.

After the dinner, Taehyung drive the car to Jin's house. The house, an apartment where he lives alone. He hates the fact that his Jin hyung is staying alone but Yulhee already told him the back story of why Jin is living alone.

He cares but he just didn't trust Jin. Not after days ago Jimin told him what happened. Taehyung greatly opposed the idea of Jin living alone but his parents is out of the country.

Seokjung will only come back once in a while due to his volunteering program while Yulhee, Jin's sister in law is always on call and sometimes she'd join the volunteering program too.

Living in his family's home is just the same as living alone, except for one, the size.

Jin's family's home is too big. He will feels emptier there than in his own apartment.

Taehyung understand that.

He wants Jin to live with him and the members at the dorm. The dorm where they used to live as seven. The same dorm where Jin left years ago without explaining his reasons.

The dorm, the place where all the joy and sadness mixed together for years.

Taehyung actually whispers to Jin while they're still at the hospital. It came out a little desperate.

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