Part 7

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As I was walking I was talking to Mally and we bump into Luke, "Why did you stop?" He points up turns out there was a huge mountain in between us, "Well we do have wings so we can probably fly right? So we can go over it." I say I start to flap my wings and start to float up and got the hang of it right away, so did Mally but Luke was having a bit of trouble. After a few hours of practicing. "Lets go to bed for now and go over tomorrow." Mally suggests and we walk over to some trees and set up our sleeping bags and go to bed. In the morning we all warm up our wings and start to go up, we talked for most of the time and Luke was in the back behind us. "Ahhhhh!" We hear behind us and me and Mally looked back and saw Luke going down. "Luke!" We dive down and try to catch him before he hits the ground, but we where to late. "Luke?" Mally says quietly, I put my ear up to his chest his heart was going really slow. I started to tear up Mally was already crying, "Don't worry I was just slowing you down, thanks for being my only family look for them and tell them I love them even though I never knew them well, I love you guys like siblings, see you in heaven or maybe hell who knows." He says pausing a lot for breaths and then it was all over. "Even while dying he still tried to make us happy." Mally says crying. I make sure he was actually gone and there was too slow of a hart beat to be able to save. We stop and berry him and make a cross out of two sticks we found and sat there for a bit just thinking. "We should of just climbed the mountain like normal why did I suggest this, why did I say we should go even though he couldn't fly well." Mally says after a long time of silence, "It's not your fault." I say going over to them. "We need to go if we want to be over before nightfall." I say looking up at the sky. We set of again now in silence. 

Author: I know it's a bit sad I cried making this part I hope wither why you enjoyed it. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2021 ⏰

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