Part 3

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I sit in my chair, "No hoods, during class ma'am." I flip down my hood even though I really didn't want to. The second I put it down I hear gasps all around the room, and like a hundred questions. After class we had a few minutes to talk in the hallways so I meet up with the girl I bumped into. "Hey, before we leave what's your name?" I ask her right when the bell rang, "Lili." She says before walking out the door. "Lizzy we have to go now!" Luke says worriedly tugging Mally. We run out the door to gain a few seconds so we aren't late. "We're back." I shout so the people hear me. After about a month later I had started to develop a plan to escape. So on the way to school I tell Luke and Mally, "No, Liz you can't do this the risk this has." Mally says seriously, "I am taking this chance while I can, I am sorry." Then right before we got to the school I turn around and walk the differnt way. I walked the way towards Lili's house, she had told me the day before so I could "study" with her.

8 hours later

"Hey Lili!" I say waving to her and standing up. "Where where you today?" "Long story, but can I talk to you for a bit?" I ask. "Ya just come on i-" "No right here please." She nods and sits down on the driveway. "You said you had a little sister right?" "Ya, she was a year younger than me." "Did she go missing 6 years ago almost exactly?" I had been keeping track of how long I had been gone. "Ya.. how did you know it was never on the news." She looked really confused, "You gave her this hairpin that day right?" I then take the hairpin out of my bag. " did you get that?" She said. I remembered this song that we had written as little kids. I started to sing it. "Liz.." I nod. Then I hear footsteps and look behind me. "Oh no." I whisper, "What?" She whispers back, "Take this." I say handing her a gun. "Wow, wow what's happening?" "Just protect yourself." I say it was one of the guys. "Silly girl you shouldn't have run away now you know the price you have to pay say bye to your dear family." They say. "Liz, what's happening?" Lili asks me I can hear the panic in her voice rise. The before I could say anything he shots.

The Kidnapped singer.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang