Part 2

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Years later Lizzy is now 10

My family gave up on looking for me, me, Mally, and Luke all became great friends, and those people who took us hit us whenever we didn't do something right. "Come with me Lizzy." One of the people say (we never learned their names). At this point in my life I was pretty numb not just physically I mean I showed little to no emotions. Once we were in another room the man said, "I know you uses to sing and I hear you singing at night even though you think no one hears you, so sing for me." Mally told me about what their plan was, they kidnapped kids to make them famous and then take their money that they make, Mally is for their art, Luke is for his acting. I sang not trying at all so they could not succeed in their plan. "I know you can sing better!" He yells and slams his hands on the table. I sing slightly better. " I swear I will kill the others if you don't sing normally!" "I know you won't kill them they are part of your big plan." He looks surprised I knew this. "Then I will kill your family." "You leave them out of this they did nothing wrong they are innocent people!" I say even though I don't remember them they don't deserve to die it was my fault I got kidnapped. "You think we care!" "It's been a long day without you my friend-" I sing the rest of the song normally giving in. I get put back in the room. Luke sits up, "How'd it go?" he asks as Mally gets up. I started tearing up. I only really showed emotion with them. "Th..they threatened to kill my family, I gave in I failed you know more kids could end up like us." I am fully crying now. "You didn't fail us Liz." They say as they come and hug me.

One year later Lizzy is now 11

My music career was kicking off and they got twice as much money from me than the others. We were homeschooled until now, "Wake up your going to actual school if you are even a minute late getting home from school we will kill your family." We were all surprised but got dressed and walked to school, it was our first time back in the world when we went somewhere the people wouldn't let us look outside. We were amazed at the world, we didn't remember it either because we were all 6 when we were taken. I stepped in to my school and was amazed at the colors and the people. I run into a girl while being amazed at the school, "Sorry!" I say after I snapped out of it shaking because I thought they would hurt me. "It's fine." The person I hit says.Oops I forgot to tell you something the people that took me changed my hair my eyes and almost everything about me the only thing they let me keep was a hair pin that my older sister gave to me when I was six the day I whent missing she was only a year older than me. I stood up and helped the person up. My hood had slid off a bit and they saw my face more, "Wait are you-" "Shh" I said to the person I didn't want the school to know who I was. She glanced up at my hair, "Where did you get that hair clip." She said sternly, "My sister gave it to me when I was young." I say confused of why she cares. "Liz?" She says quietly. "wha-" Then the bell rings so I had to find my class.

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