"You know?"

"Well you kind of have to know about vampires if you live in Mystic Falls." I smiled.

"Well then... you wanna stop by our place? I'm sure Elijah would remember you, plus I think Klaus will love you."

"I'm not falling for that. Just because I'm human doesnt mean I'm dumb enough to fall for your tricks. I'll see you around Kol, it was nice bumping into you." I said sliding past him, a few paces away he stopped me.

"Kayda, wait." He called. "Can I at least get your number?"

I spun around on my toes and chuckled. "Are you, a 1000 year old man, asking for a 17 year old girls number? No offense Kol but that's a little sketchy." I smiled walking back over to him.

"Stop being a little brat Darling," Those words made me explode with sexual tension. "Can I get your number or not?"

"Fine," I gave in. I grabbed a pen from my back pocket and wrote it on his forearm. "I'll see you tomorrow night, Mystic Grill at 8 sharp, dont be late." I demanded, then turned and walked away again.

I made my way to the Salvatores in my old truck I brought with from New Orleans. When I got to the door I dramatically opened it and saw Damon standing there looking at me as I stood in the door frame.

"Damon!" I screamed as I ran at him and threw myself into his arms. He hugged me tightly as he slowly swayed us back and forth.

"Caroline said you weren't supposed to come for another month!" He said excited as he let me to my feet.

"Yeah well once I got her call I said I'd get a ticket but I just drove up here. I couldn't wait to see you guys! Even though my and her talked like every week I still feel like I've missed so much."

"That's because you have Kay, we have a few new camps in town. And am additional witch that's traveling with them."

"You mean the Mikaelsons?"

"Actually, yes. How'd you know?"

"Just ran into one on the street. Kol, oh god hes gorgeous. I gave him my number." I smiled.

"Kayda! Hes going to kill you, jesus."

"Them I guess I'm a dead man. But that's ok if he can run into me again. Damon do you have any idea how hot that family is?" I said flopping on the couch. "God I missed this couch."

"I'm well aware." He mumbled quickly. "For a human who doesnt want to be anything supernatural, your sure are good at being crazy."

"That's because your my bestfriend, I learned from the best." I smiled. "Now, when's Care getting here?"

"Soon. Should be pulling up in about 3...2...1."

Then a blonde haired girl was standing at the door that I left open.

"Kayda?" She asked and we ran up to hug each other like one of those best friend videos you see at the airport.

"I've missed you so much. Tell me everything! Wheres Stefan? I miss his face."

The room went quiet as I asked.

"What." I asked as Elena came through the door.

"Hes stuck with the Mikaelsons." Elena muttered slamming the door, making me slightly jump.

"What? Why?"

"He sacrificed himself for Damon's life. He was bit by a werewolf no too long ago, and Klaus had the cure. Stefan gave himself over to become a ripper to save Damon." She groaned, I nodded.

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