Chapter 55: The Burdens Grow Heavier

Start from the beginning

Leaf's eyes flashed. "Are you accusing me of being disloyal?"

"No. I'm just telling you—warning you—that I think you need to be more careful of your feelings." Talon leaned forward, staring earnestly. "You're a very forgiving and kind cat, Little Leaf, and I'll admit, these humans aren't as cruel and loathsome as many I've met—"

"They're some of the best friends I've ever had!" Leaf declared.

Talon stiffened. "That's exactly what I'm taking about. You're growing too close. You need to stay away from them."

"Um, in case you haven't noticed, we're all stuck on the same ship. It's kinda hard not to run into each other."

Talon ignored her last comment. He whispered, "Lloyd especially. I don't like the connection the two of you share."

Leaf stared at him, a flash of confusion crossing her face. "What are you talking about?"

"Humans and werecats don't mix. You can't have feelings for someone who's not even the same species. It doesn't end well. It never ends well." He hissed with vehemence, "You can't have romantic feelings for Lloyd."

Little Leaf's eyes bugged out. Her jaw dropped open, and she stared at her older brother incredulously. For a moment, she was utterly speechless. Then she managed a squeaking rasp. "A— are you serious?"

Eagle Talon's intense green stare was an answer in itself.

"What!" Leaf burst out. Her eyes flashed furiously as she exclaimed, "It's not like that at all! He's a friend! Do you know how many friends I have—real friends? In case you've forgotten, it was Lloyd who saved my life from a hungry fox! What in all the world makes you think I would ever—?!" She sputtered indignantly. Her ginger hair seemed to bristle alongside her fiery anger.

"Leaf—" Talon tried to put a hand on his little sister's shoulder, but she shook him off and stepped back.

"You're accusing me of having mixed loyalties—just look at you!" she cried. "Why haven't you demanded the moonstone that Nya promised you yet? Or tried to steal back the Lifesources? I heard you and Cole laughing together. You may be accusing me of becoming too close to the ninja, but you obviously seem to have no problem being best buddies with Cole!"

Talon's eyes flared, matching his sister's fire. "That's entirely different! We're just—! You have no idea what we went through last night! And me allowing Cole to find something for me to eat is not the same as you finding a mate from an enemy species!"

"How dare you!" Leaf's voice rose to a pitch. She rolled her hands into fists, as if tempted to punch her half-brother in the face. "That's not fair! That's disgusting! What do you think I am?! We're just friends! Can't you see that?! Just because he's a tom and I'm a female who happen to be friends doesn't mean we're— Ew! I can't even say it!" She made a face at the thought, and her cheeks flushed pink.

"You have no idea what we're getting into!" Talon retorted loudly. "You just think this is just some stupid adventure! Black Blood is rising up the clan to fight! This is war! We can't have split allegiances!"

"Said the cat who keeps saving the lives of humans over his tribe-mates," Leaf spat.

"We have a deal. To get back a moonstone. We need the moonstones. Black Blood knows what she's doing for the tribe. She told me to do whatever it took to get them, and I am," Talon said. "This is my sacrifice. I'm doing it for our cats. For our home."

Leaf held his gaze. "And when the lines of battle are drawn and the ninja stand on the opposite side," she said quietly, "will you really be able to have it in you to face them and destroy everything they've fought for?"

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