scene: 9

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Jimin was having a bit of a hard time talking to the police officer. It had been a solid 8 minutes of getting confused, and repeating his questions, and having other officers come in to try and translate for him. Turns out his Spanish needed a brushing up on. He eventually decided there wasn't much he could gain from talking to the police and headed back towards the motel, stopping a few people along the way. Unsurprisingly people weren't too eager to talk to the foreigner asking them about a murderer.

He eventually gave up and headed back to the motel. The sun was insanely bright and he was starting to wish he could just go the fuck home. Hoseok was really a big prick for dragging him all the way out here. Jimin didn't need this. He was chasing fairies for his best friend and he was so done. This man could be on a fucking vacation for all they knew.

He was so pissed in his thoughts he almost didn't see the man walking down the sidewalk towards him and barely managed to dodge past him.

The man uttered in a dark tone, "Watch where you're going," before Jimin even had time to apologize.

"S-sor-" He froze. A slight chill ran down his spine as he turned to watch the man who was now walking away from him. He was wearing all black, a baseball cap hiding any part of his face Jimin would be able to see, but something felt so unbelievably familiar about that silhouette.

A pale hand grabbing handfuls of mail.

The disappearing heel of black slacks down the corner of the hall.

The awkward silence of standing in an elevator with a total stranger.

The fact that they were in deep Spain and yet the stranger had spoken English so off-handedly.

That man; Jimin knew that man.

It was a long shot, he told himself; it was a stupidly long shot. But fuck, what harm could it do?

"Y-..." He paused and mustered his courage, calling out again, "Yoongi!"

The figure froze. The tails of his black coat twitching impatiently at his heels for a split second before he bolted.

That was Min Yoongi.

The fucking fairy.

Jimin was on his heel in seconds.

* * *

Hoseok came to a halt in front of the door. Room 18. Min Yoongi's room. He was holding his breath and didn't even realize it. He took one more nervous glance around (the parking lot was completely empty) before raising a solemn hand, and knocking on the door.

He had finally found him. The mystery murderer. And he here he was standing in front of his room. He couldn't believe it.

There was a moment of silence.

He knocked again.

Still nothing.

His breath caught.

He knocked again.

He was almost slamming on the door now with absolutely no response from inside.

"Shit," He seethed through his teeth.

He wasn't here, or he'd already left, or... something but... Hoseok could at least search the room. Hoseok took a deep breath. He hadn't been expecting to meet anyone, hadn't even fully believed that this would be the place. But he had found something and he had to act now.

Jimin would be back soon. Jimin would be back and he would lose his chance. He was so desperate it should have scared him.

He had to get inside. He had to find Yoongi, search his things, find any evidence of him, and find him.

He was too desperate. It should have given him some warning. Some red flag. Something, anything to tell him he was crossing over into the dangerous place. But all it gave him was a rock in his hand, and a nasty cut when he proceeded to slam that rock down on the door knob, breaking it off.

The door swung open before him,

Revealing an empty room.

Hoseok stood silhouetted in the frame, his hand bleeding like a mother fucker and throbbing like one too; the rock in one hand and the door knob in the other.

He released a shaky breath and dropped both, darting into the dark room and backing against the door, closing it with an eerie clunk. Shit.

He didn't have time. He told himself; he had to hurry.

He grasped his hand tightly because it was still bleeding a lot and started tracing the dim room over, once, twice.

The room was small, one bed, cracked and leaking walls and the curtains looked like a combination of cat attacks and gunshot had rolled through in the form of a tornado.

Again, there was a suitcase on the bed, very few garments, a few books... and... a map.

Hoseok almost dove onto the bed, grasping it in his fingers and ignoring the fact he was drenching it with his highly traceable bodily fluids.

"Oh my god..." He whispered.

Portugal. It was a map of Lisbon, Portugal. Hoseok almost cried he was so overwhelmed. He had a location. He knew where Yoongi would go...

He froze. Where Yoongi would go... Why hadn't he left yet? He was still here? He was still here. His suitcase, his things... Yoongi...

Hoseok jumped off the bed and fumbled through the rest of Yoongi's things, a Portuguese dictionary, another map of Portugal, A Tourist Guide to the Gems of Lisbon, and a... knife. Unimportant.

He stumbled back, and gasped to himself, still clutching the map. He was so close. He had to find Jimin and tell him. He couldn't do this alone; they had to get to Portugal. With the door hacked open like it was now, there was no way Yoongi would return to his room, which meant they were going to have to be a step ahead this time.

He quickly stumbled back out into the sun, and chose to stuff the map into his jacket pocket because it was already covered with blood.

It didn't take long for him to find Jimin, because Jimin found him.

They ran into each other on the sidewalk; Jimin was sprinting at full speed and Hoseok almost didn't see him until he smacked into his shoulder.

They both wiped out on the sidewalk. With a few strangled groans, Hoseok quickly recovered and went to help Jimin.

"Yah! Jimin-ah! I found it!"

Jimin grabbed him fiercely, his eyes were wild and Hoseok immediately sensed something was wrong.

"Yoongi! Hoseok, YOONGI!"

Hoseok's eyes widened like binoculars zooming in. "What?!"

"He was here!"

Hoseok's face dropped, "I-I know, I just found his room!"

"NO!" Jimin growled and yanked Hoseok after him as he kept running, panting as they both sprinted down the street.

"I just saw him Hoseok!" They turned a corner, "H-he recognized me! I ran into him once or twice but I never-" Jimin paused, glancing around frantically before yanking Hoseok down another street, "I never realized that was Yoongi!"

Hoseok was running on his own now, he didn't question it anymore and overtook Jimin in seconds.

They had found Yoongi.

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