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the time: 10:03am, September 18, 2018

the place: V base, Boston, Massachusetts

"Jimin, Hobi, chief's office, now."

Jimin scowled and Hobi thanked their coworker as they quickly headed down the stairs to Taehyung's office.

"You've both been suspended."

Taehyung swirled his chair gently to face them. "The decision is final."

Jimin slammed his fist on the table but Hoseok cut him off before he could get them in even more trouble.

"H-how long...?"

Taehyung shrugged, "I've decided a month should be enough to pull your shit together."

Jimin groaned. "Chief c'mon we can do better! Just give us a chance!"

Hoseok slumped in his chair in frustration. What was he going to do for a month?

"I told you," Taehyung glared daggers at his partner, "The decision is final." He then smiled cheekily and sat back down in his chair, satisfied. "I feel pretty good about this choice boys, it's going to be a new beginning for you, I can just feel it."

Jimin growled and was ready to storm out when Hoseok remembered something.

"Chief, can we work on a case while we're out?"

Taehyung frowned. "Does that sound like suspension?"

Hoseok shook his head and clarified. "It would be free-lanced work, no payment from you, or the client. Just a favor..."

Taehyung scowled and threw his hand towards the door. "Get out Hoseok, you're wasting my time, you're free to do whatever you want with yours and you know that."

Hoseok nodded, grinning, "Thanks chief," and followed a grumbling Jimin out the door.

"How can you be so okay with this? What case are you even talking about?"

Hobi laughed and clapped his partner on the shoulder as they ascended the stairs.

"A little break never hurt anyone Jimin, and I was thinking about what Namjoon asked us this morning. I mean, it's probably nothing, but it could be fun? You never know?"

Jimin scowled and let his friend drag him out into the street. "You disgust me. How can you be so lazy?!" Hoseok laughed.

"C'mon Jimin, let's just enjoy our break, we both know you need it more than anyone."

He shrugged and finally conceded to letting Hobi take him to lunch. They spent the rest of the day wandering, window shopping and finally went to go see a movie instead of eating dinner. They didn't get home until late that night when they were welcomed by the flashing siren lights of cop cars.

* * *

the time: 22:00, September 18, 2018

the place: Hoseok and Jimin's apartment, Boston Massachusetts

Hoseok instinctively grabbed Jimin's arm when they spotted the horde of people and cops swarming their apartment.

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