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the time: 21:00 [9pm local time], September 17, 2018

the place: alternate earth, Massachusetts, Boston

Hoseok strode out into the crosswalk, crossing the buzzing night scape with long strides. His walk held purpose as he weaved in and out of the people crowded up and down the main street. His destination: a hotel and lounge.

"Belís, table for two."

He was pointed to an elevator that took him directly to the second floor. The lounge.

He spotted his target with ease, letting an easy-going smile paint his face as he approached the tall, lean woman who awaited him.

She smiled and got to her feet, shaking the hand that he readily offered.

"Scarlet, it's lovely to meet you."

"Hoseok. The pleasure is all mine."

The two sat across from each other and ordered their drinks.

"I must admit, I'm a little relieved to see you in person."

Hoseok nodded, letting his smile reach his eyes, "I completely understand, you wouldn't believe the criminals I get set up with..." He eyed the woman kindly, raising his glass. "To what you ordered, am I right?"

The woman pursed her lips in a tight smile and nodded, shaking her long hair out behind her back as she clinked her glass with his.

The two took long sips of their drinks, their eyes never leaving each other's.

"So, Hoseok, you're an accountant? What's that like?"

The man chuckled and put down his drink, wiping his mouth daintily. "Surprisingly... dry. But, really, I came to hear about you," He lifted his hands welcomingly and leaned back in his chair, "Who is 'Scarlet'?"

The woman stuck her tongue into her cheek, eyeing him sheepishly.

"I work in buying and selling art, actually," She threw her hair gracefully over her shoulder and leaned in slightly, "I could paint you quite the picture..."

Hoseok smirked and nodded, leaning in as well. "I have a better idea..." He laughed and took a sip of his drink playfully, "why don't I paint you one...?"

She raised an eyebrow, with an intrigued smile playing on her lips. "Mmm, and what does that look like?"

Hoseok chuckled and placed his hands smoothly on the table. "You and me, we get out of here," he tilted his head, a serious expression replacing the boyish grin "and I take you down to the police station where we can get you locked up for bribery, forgery, fraud, and theft?"

He smiled lovingly. "How does that sound?"

The woman licked her lips slowly, a gentle smile playing at her lips. "Mmm, an accountant... I should have known."

She leaned back slowly, glancing around calmly. "How many you got, three? Four agents?"

He shrugged gently, matching her relaxed position. "Just the one."

She licked her teeth thoughtfully. "Well, I do like the idea," she stood slowly, standing over the table in dominance, "of getting out of here."

He watched carefully as she snatched her purse and in one swift movement slammed the table into his ribcage, causing it and him to fall crashing to the floor.

Hoseok groaned, cursing quietly under his breath as he shoved the table to the side and pulled himself out of the broken glass and spilled wine, ignoring the concerned and horrified gasps that echoed around him. He grabbed a napkin, aggressively wiping his white shirt and followed his runaway subject.

He took the stairs, knowing the elevator would only slow him down and landed in the lobby, scanning it for the tall woman with long black hair. With no sign of her anywhere, he ran to the receptionist.

"Tall woman? Red dress, long curly black hair, probably in a hurry?!"

The surprised bellhop stuttered and pointed down one of the many long hotel hallways,

"Th-that way!"

Hoseok snarled as he saw the maintenance door swinging closed, a flash of red fabric disappearing behind it and dashed down the hallway at full speed.

He sprung out into the night air, whirling around in search of the girl.

And damn did he find her.

She stood in front of him, next to the door he'd just thrown open, smirking evilly with a gun in both her hands. Pointed right at his head.

"Shit..." He muttered under his breath, glancing around the empty alleyway.

"Yeah, shit seems about right." The woman stepped closer, forcing Hoseok to his knees on the pavement. "Who do you work for?"

Hoseok didn't look at her, just smiled staring at the swinging door. "Who says I'm not a cop?"

She chuckled, "Because you would've pulled that stupid badge by now."

He nodded, agreeing. "Fair."

"Who is it shithead I won't wait forever!" She nudged the barrel of the gun against the side of his head and tapped her finger impatiently on the trigger.

Hoseok grimaced and fell back, farther out of her reach. "He's nearby, you want me to call him so you can talk to him yourself?"

She growled and grabbed his collar, crouching down at his level so she could spit the words in his face. "That's it, you're done." She smiled cruelly as she returned to her stance behind the door and aimed the gun. "Maybe I'll paint a little canvas after a-"


The door slammed open and the woman went down like blade of grass, the gun skittering  across the pavement as she fell to the street grunting.

"What the hell took you so long?! I could have died you moron!"

The man grimaced. "Sorry sorry, chief called me, what's a guy gonna do?"

From the ground the woman was nursing a nasty bloody nose and shrieked, "I thought you weren't cops?!"

Jimin smirked and strode quickly to the unclaimed firearm. "Don't worry." He held the gun and aimed it at her limp body carefully, "We aren't."

And with a sly wink, he shot her in the ankle.

She screamed and the two men glanced at each other. "Getting out of here?"

Hoseok shrugged and nodded quickly. "Probably a good idea."  

They fled from the shrieks and wailing sirens that fast approached the scene without a second thought, knowing they had finished the job.

welcome to our first chapter my chili babies. for my fellow once upon a time lovers, I HOPE YOU ARE FANNING JUST AS HARD OVER THIS HOBI X EMMASWAN MOMENT AS MUCH AS I AM BECAUSE OMG🤩🤩🤩 I WAS CHANNELING SO HARD

okay bye and enjoy

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