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We get home at, according to Casta, at around half eight. I'm not really sure how we took so long, but Altore greets us when we get in, "hey you two, there's some food for you in the dining room. The rest of us have eaten, so we'll leave you alone."
"Actually..." Casta looks at the floor, "we need to tell you something..."
"Okay, I'll sit with you whilst you eat then."
We go into the dining room and sit down.
"The rest are in bed. Anyway, what did you want to tell me?"
"So... we went to the edge today." Casta begins.
I continue, "the ice stops dead centre of the field by my father's farm."
"The edge goes on for miles!"
"It's also really sharp, and I cut my finger on it."
"And then the ice cracked slightly under the drop of Damiens blood, and sucked it into the ice,"
"And then it resealed itself,"
"And we went over to someone to try and see if we can get them out,"
"It worked for a bit,"
"And then I couldn't anymore,"
"And the ice reformed around the man,"
"Only it looked sharper and some how tighter this time,"
"And by the time the ice reached his neck,"
"The man was dead." Casta finishes
Altore looks at us, "over the two years have you two just formed some sort of telepathic link? Because I've heard that night bloods could do that, I've just never seen it happen."
"Oh. No, we just were thinking of how to tell you on the way here."
"So you rehearsed?"
"Right. Also that story would explain why the ice kept reforming and filling in the gaps after I was taking books out."
I look at him, "why did you need all of those books anyway?"
"To put in the library."
"Now eat you two, I'll wash the plates when you're done."
He gets up and leaves the room and I say, "now if we had a telepathic link, that would be fun."
"It so would."
"Don't people call it a twin thing?"
"It could just be a best friend thing. We should practice! What am I thinking about?"
"Dinosaur ice sculptures!"
"Very close!"
"Just Dinosaurs?"
"What am I thinking about?"
"How your finger hurts?"
"Ha! First try!"
They put their hand behind their back, "how many fingers am I holding up?"
"Two! Okay, my turn!"
I put my finger behind my back, "how many?"
"Which finger?"
"Your thumb!"
I give them a thumbs up.
"We are awesome."
"Yes we are."
We finish our food and then give them to Altore in the kitchen.
"Okay, go to bed you two, you can continue developing your best friend link tomorrow."
We go to our rooms. Luther is sprawled out across the bed, with his wings not tucked up. His wings are a really dark purple. As are his horns and hair.
I carefully lift up his right wing and lay underneath it. I then curl up into a ball under his wing and quickly fall asleep....

When I wake up, Luther isn't next to me. I hear someone in the bathroom and go to the door, "hey Luther, are you okay?"
"Yeah, im good. Just... taking a shower."
It's been a whole year since we got out.
In that time, our cabin somehow transported from inside the tree, to the edge of a forest behind the cliff that the castle is on. We have a view of a beach. The only other thing other than our cabin, that is not frozen over.
And there's windows now, so we can see outside!
I leave the room and into the kitchen where Altore is packing a picnic basket.
"Can you get the others up? I'm thinking that we go on a picnic on the beach. After all, it's quite sunny."
I go and wake up the others who seem incredibly excited by the idea of us all just having a simple little picnic on the beach.
Luther walks out of the bathroom drying his hair, "did I hear something about picnic?"
"Yeah, we're having a picnic on the beach, want to come?"
"Uh... sure..."
"Guys!!" Altore yells, "are you lot alright with the rain!?"
We all go to the front area of the house, and look out of the front door.
"Apparently," kin sticks his hand out, "according to Night Blood folk lore, if a Night Blood stands out in the rain, it will reveal their natural look. For instance, if there were any scares on your face, it would clean them away."
"Can it bring back my horns?" Altore asks, "I'm only joking."
"Possibly? I believe it's only a temporary thing. Unless you've died your hair, then it will stay it's natural colour."
Casta runs outside and onto the beach. Their wings become full and they smile, "look! Look at my wings!"
They drag me outside by the hand, "your hair is naturally void black! It's so fun!"
Altore steps out and when he feels his horns on his head he bursts into tears, "these are tears of joy!"
Kim steps out and his hair goes from brown to blonde, as do his wings
Atlas steps out as well and his wings go from black to a really dark blue. The scar across Percys right eye disappears. He removes the eye patch and blinks. His eye then goes from clear to the same shade of brown as his left eye.
I turn around to see Luther still stood in the door.
"Luther, are you okay?"
"I'm fine..."
He sticks his arm out and it becomes paler. He brings it back inside and now his arms are uneven shades. He puts his hands up to his face and then removes these icy blue contacts and reveals that his eyes are a bright red.
I go over and take his hands, "it's okay Luther, we're here for you. Just look into my eyes."
He looks into my eyes and takes a deep breath as I slowly bring him outside.
He stands their and looks up at the rain as it falls down. The deep purple washes out of his hair and wings and washes off of his horns. His skin becomes paler.
"Aw," altore coos, "you're an albino!"
"You... you guys aren't... upset with me?"
"Why would we be?" Kin looks confused.
"Because... I lied to you guys..."
"So? Forgive and forget."
Altore suddenly plucks a feather from everyone's wings.
"Ow!" Aas frowns, "what the fuck was that for!?"
"So that we can have a dream catcher or a wind chime hanging outside the door."
"Ooh!" Casts grins, "Kin, come with me, we'll get the light catcher and and that to the wind chime!"
They run off and I turn to Luther, "you're so adorable, why would you cover that up?"
"The satyrs at school used to bully me. It's why I ran away and kept sneaking into the gardens. I'm pretty sure my family live in here somewhere."
"Well don't worry, we'll find them soon."
He smiles, "thanks..."
We all go back inside. Later that night, I look out of the window at the frozen trees, wondering when it will ever go away....

Holy crap the end!!! I wonder what will happen next!? Will they find Luthers family!? Will the ice ever go away!? Will everyone under the ice be killed by the carnivorous dinosaur ice!? Who the hell knows!!! There will probably be another book and it will be a series!!!!
Anyway, hope you enjoyed. :)

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