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We're out walking among the forest like area at the back of the gardens. We stop for a break on some logs and the moonlight shines through the trees and shines on Damien. They shiver and I give them my coat, "here."
"Thank you."
"So..." I didn't know what to talk about. Anything to stop me from wanting to kiss them.
"I... I hear that you and Theo are quite good friends now..."
"Yes! He's teaching me to write!"
"That's wonderful."
"Here's a bit of writing I did earlier!"
They pass me a small scrap of paper proudly. Their writing is scruffy yet slightly curly.
It says, "I like the golden water."
"You like the golden water?"
"Yes! It's very pretty!"
'Like you.' I think to myself.
"Why are your cheeks red?"
"I... n-nothing!"
"Oh... okay..."
"I'm sorry for shouting."
They smile, "it's okay!"
I can't help but look at how beautiful they are in the moonlight. Their skin has a slight glow to it.
They take a deep breath and smile, "fresh air... we should do this more often!"
"You... you think so?"
"A-absolutely! I love this part of the garden!"
"I'm glad that you like it."
"I have a question."
"Go ahead."
"Who... who's is the bl-black crown on the throne next to yours?"
"It is to be my queens when I marry."
"Oh... who are you marrying?"
"That is undecided, but it is probably to be a princess from another kingdom, which would therefore grow mine."
"Isn't your kingdom big enough?"
"It is, so, I shall probably just let my heir continue to grow the kingdom."
"So... you... aren't marrying a princess?"
"Not if I don't love her, no."
This seems to improve Damiens mood, "okay."
They smile sweetly and yawn.
"Are you tired Damien?"
"No, I'm... fine..." they yawn again and fall asleep against me. I admire their perfect frame. Their lips look so soft. I run my fingers along their soft cheek, never wanting the night to end. But eventually, I carry them back to their room and lay them on their bed. As I leave I hear them mumble, "can.... can you help me change.... please?"
I turn around, "of course."
They flap their arm aimlessly, "nnn...nightgown...."
I find their nightgown on a chair.
"Warning..." they murmur, "I... was born *yawn* male..."
They sit up.
"How are you so tired? Have you been sleeping?"
"I.... can't remember...." the last two words are uttered in one breath.
"Well you need to sleep more." I untie the lace tying the back of the dress closed and then untie the corset.
Several bruises are scattered across their body.
"Where are These bruises from?"
They take a while to answer, I assume from lack of sleep, "corset..."
"Sometimes I tie it too tight..."
I finish undressing them and put the nightgown on over their head. All this as they're faced away from me.
When they're completely dressed for bed, I get up, "I'm going now, okay?"
"Please don't leave me..."
"Damien, I have to go get changed."
".... can't.... can't you stay with me tonight?"
"Right, I promise, I will be back straight after I am dressed, okay?"
"I promise."
"Be back soon."
I smile and then leave I get back to my room and Theo enters, "sir?"
"Do you need assistance?"
"No thank you Theo."
"You seem to be struggling with your boots."
"The knots are too tight! Maybe we should cut them off."
"What's the rush?"
I sigh, "Damien asked me to stay with them tonight, and I promised, I'd be back after I was ready for bed."
"Well we'd better cut those laces off quick! I shall add some new ones in tomorrow."
"Thank you."
He gets out a pocket knife and cuts away at the knots. He gets them loose, and then leaves with the laces remains. I continue to change and once I am, I go all the way back to Damiens room. I go in and Damien wakes up and smiles, "you're back... "
They pat the bed beside them and I lie down underneath the covers. They then cuddled up against me, tucking their head under my chin, and suddenly seemed really small. I felt their hand brush my hip and their breath felt warm against my neck.
I can feel myself blushing as I look at their now small form.
They hug me and murmur, "I love you..."
So many emotions run through my head and I move my arms from around them and face the opposite way. I don't know how to respond. They've fallen for me. They love me. They're in love with me. They're happy here. And they're crying. Quietly, but I can still hear it. I turn back to them, "are... are you okay?"
"I'm sorry... I'm sorry, please don't leave me..."
Their voice is trembling and I bring them close into my warm embrace, "I won't leave you..."
"Prom- promise?"
"I promise."
They calm them self down and wipe their eyes and once again tuck the head underneath my chin.
"I... l love you..." they try again.
I take a deep breath, "I love you too."
They nuzzle their face against my neck and I kiss the top of their head.
I think about how Damien would look with the crown on. The crown made of metal black leaves with golden gems between each leaf. A precious crown for a precious gem. I imagine they'd look quite wonderful, and I smile.
I fall asleep...

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