
14 6 4

*warning!! Possible sexual activity!!*

When Lord Bottley is gone, the same butler from earlier walks back in, "shall we open a few windows your majesty?"
"We need to let a bit of fresh air in after his visit, phew wee!"
"Haha! You really do make me laugh!"
"More than the jester?" He grins.
"Honestly, yes!"
The jester walks in, "did someone say jester!? Well guess who's got two big ears, and a large sense of humour? This guy!"
"No one wants you here right now jester, go and bother someone else."
"And I'm now leaving!"
He walks out in a stupid manner, throwing up each leg with each step.

After some time, I hear a scream from somewhere in the castle. I grab my sword, a handful of guards and follow the screaming and crying and it leads us to Damiens room. One of the guards kicks open the door and we all rush in.
The creepy perv of a jester has Damien pinned face down and they're both under the covers. Damien pounds their fists on the pillow and I punch the jester in his stupid little face, "what the fuck do you think you're doing in here!?"
Damien hides under the covers.
I punch the jester again and again and again.
When I get bored of beating him up, I stand and regain my composure.
"Guards, give him some clothes and lock him up in the dungeon."
"Yes your majesty."
Two guards drag the jester out of the room and I turn to the other two, "you two stand outside, make sure no one disturbs us."
They leave the room, closing the door behind them.
I sit on the edge of the bed, "Damien?"
I can hear them crying.
"Did he hurt you?"
They don't respond.
I move the covers to show their face and they bury their face in the pillow.
I place my hand on their shoulder, "you have to tell me what he did to you, otherwise how am I supposed to help?"
I notice their clothes and the jesters clothes on the floor, "oh, you poor thing."
I stroke their hair, "I'm sorry for the way he treated you, if it makes you feel any better, he will be executed tomorrow."
They look up at me, "what... what do-does that mean?"
"Killed publicly in front of everyone."
Their eyes widen in fear, "kill-killed!?"
"Yes, is that not you want for the man who mistreated you?"
"In the dun-dungeon for l-life maybe, but n-not death!"
"Fine. He will be kept in the dungeon for the rest of his life, and not be killed. Is that better?"
"I... I suppose so..."
"Okay, well, I shall leave you now, get some rest."
I get up and leave the room. I turn to the guards, "make sure no one enters the room without my permission."
I get back to the throne room and before I sit down, the butler arrives with a letter, "it is addressed to a... "Dearest Damien?" Do we know who that is?"
"Yes, it's the guest."
"Ah. I suppose you'll want to check it?"
"Not Right away, put it in my study."
"Of course Master."
"Thank you."
"Of course, and if Damien is up and about, I shall try not to get noticed!"
He spins towards the door and peeks around it. "Coast is clear!"
He then spins out of the room, making me laugh.
The oracle sweeps into the room, "I sensed bad news in that letter."
"From who?"
"The child's love."
"Edmund? What about him? Never mind, don't tell me."
"If that's the case, I suggest that the letter be forgotten about..."
She disappears into smoke.
"Why do we need to forget about it?"
"I don't know, but you could destroy the letter and then wish that everyone forgot about it."
"Okay, go destroy it and bring the remains here."
"Of course master"...

*well this was a pretty short chapter.*

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