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*in the beginning of this chapter, Sylvar is being disrespectful to the "deceased" Damien, by calling them an it numerous times instead of them. I just wanted to point this out in case it might offend any of you. Please enjoy*

*Daniels P.O.V.*

I sat at the end of the great table, and Sylvar sat across me on the other side. Several other kings and their Kingsguard were also here. They were expecting me to know what to do with the demon that we'd somehow managed to capture.
King Trill of the crystal mountains spoke first, "are you alright Daniel? You should be happy, we are victorious! The demon was captured!"
"Yes, but at the cost of a life."
"Oh... who's?" His face became sad.
Sylvar decided to speak, "his beloved is dead."
"Oh, Daniel, I'm so sorry!"
He patted my shoulder apologetically.
"We should be glad that monster is dead."
"What do you mean Sylvar? Daniels heart is broken."
"The thing he married was a monster! It was a half-breed! That's why the demon went after it!"
"Yes! Damien was a monster, and Daniel married it!"
I pound my fist against the table, "I didn't know!"
"Yes, but you still love it even now you know, don't you?"
"Love is not about appearance or power! It is about the bonds that you forge out of kindness and care!"
"It doesn't change the fact that you married that thing!"
Trill glares at him, "STOP CALLING THEM IT!" He takes a deep breath, "Even now they are dead, they still deserve respect."
"Not from me it doesn't."
"Neither of them knew what Damien was. You can't blame them for this problem."
"Look, the demon is gone, let's just be glad that it won't reek anymore havoc in any of our kingdoms!"
"I have half a mind to bury you six feet under!"
"I'm a centaur, Trill, my head would still be popping out of the ground."
"Ten feet then!"
"You know what? I am going to go home and relax."
Sylvar and a few others left and I looked at Theo. He was trying not to cry, "sir, I have been informed that Damien has been buried in the gardens."
I stand, "any of you may attend the funeral if you so wish."
I follow Theo to the centre of the forest at the back of the gardens, where there's a large patch of dirt. My sister stands by my side. the rest of the kings and their guards attend and then so does Piper, with the oracle by his side.
"I..." I clear my throat, "I don't... I don't know what to say. Or do."
I look at the bouquet of white roses in my hand, "this was their favourite part of the gardens. I'd often find them here, in this area, trying to develop their reading skills. It was adorable, listening to them trying to read aloud. I remember once, we were in the library. And they read aloud a whole sentence, and were so proud of them self. We even celebrated with cupcakes. Before I started teaching them to read, they'd sit here and just... think. That's all they'd do. And... sometimes, I'd find them burying a small animal that they'd found dead on the ground. Gave them little funerals and everything. Small little pebble head stones and then they'd cry a little and wander off and explore a bit. They'd be eighteen next month. The twenty third. I'd been planning a whole celebration since our wedding. And know all of that is useless, and... they'll never get to see what I had planned." I placed the white roses down on the grave.
Theo sniffles, "I was teaching them to write. We became pretty close friends, and they made me a friendship bracelet. We told each other everything and I was the first one they told about their feelings for the king. They told me their secrets, and I will honour them by keeping those secrets, even after I am gone. They were my best friend. I shall miss them dearly."
He places down a white leather bound book with a golden ribbon tying it shut.
Everyone who knew them said something about them and left small gifts on the grave, or small possessions that belonged to them.
I was the last one there as everyone else left. I looked at all of the items. The head chef had placed down the candle from their cupcake. Diya had placed down a black ribbon. Their were other things like a heart shaped rock, the copy of The Great Gatsby that they had been reading, a stem of wheat from their father, little flowers from the head maids daughter, a stick decorated with ribbons and little jewels and some other little handmade trinkets. I placed their crown on top of the head stone and left...

I lay in their bed later that night, when Theo walks in, "sir? I put all of the items into a decorated box to keep them safe from the weather."
"Are you alright sir?"
"Fine... "
"Are you sure?"
"Get some rest your majesty."
"I will..."
He leaves and I lay there blaming myself. I couldn't save them. I was weak. And because of that, they're dead and there's nothing I can do about it. They're dead because of me. I begin to cry and bury my face in their quilts. I cried for hours and hours and eventually, I went out onto the balcony and watched as the sun began to rise. It reminded me of the last time that me and Damien stood here. Theywere in awe of the golden light. I smiled, remembering the look in there eyes. I'm unsure of how long ago that was. Around a day or two I suppose. Maybe more. This morning isn't as peaceful and as happy as usual. I guess it's because today, people are going to be allowed to enter the gardens to say a few words. Everyone loved Damien. Every day since we were engaged, they'd go on walks around the nearest village, spending time with villagers, playing little games of hide and seek with the village children, Having tea with nice couples, dancing in the village square with other villagers, and just generally keeping them happy. I guess they also missed him. I watched the villagers spill into the castle courtyard, and Theo led them to the gardens...

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