Settling down

15 7 1

My butler wakes me up, "good morning, Master, did you sleep well?"
"Yes, you?"
"Well, considering that last week you gave us comfier beds, I did sleep quite well."
I give him a thumbs up and stretch. He dresses me for the day.
"By the way, Master, their is a child in the castle entrance, who we have let in from the rain. They arrived in the kings carriage, are they of any importance or shall I send them on their way?"
"Send down one of the butlers and have him take the child to the guest room and have them cleaned up."
"Of course Master."
He leaves and I head to the throne room. Another butler enters, "our young guest has requested that they bathe by themselves."
"Okay. Well, I shall go check and make sure they're okay."
"A few words from the king should cheer them up." The butler smiles and leaves. I go all the way up to the ready made room, and go in. The bathroom door is open slightly, and I hear the child talking.
"Oh my, the water looks gold!"
That voice is familiar, and sounds like Damien.
"Are you alright in there?" I ask.
They suddenly close the door fully, "y-your Majesty."
"My apologies if I'm intruding."
"N-not really, I was just... surprised, that- that is all."
"Okay. I see you agreed to be here?"
"I did not want to see my loved ones burn at the hands of you."
"Calm down Damien, at least you can live guilt free with the knowledge that you chose not to have your family killed!"
"Yes, but I am now stuck with you, for the rest of my life!"
"Oh, get over it!"
I hear nothing more.
"I'm... I'm sorry..."
I hear the water stop running, and the sounds of Damien stepping into the water, "oh god, why is it so cold?" They exclaim.
"Do you need any help?"
"Not from you!"they think for a moment, "which handle makes the water go hotter?"
"The one with the red gem."
"... thank you. How do I get rid of the cold water?"
"Would you like me to come in and show you?"
I turn the handle.
"Wait for a second, I need to put a towel on!"
"Of course, my apologies. Just... Tell me when you're ready for me to come in."
After a short while, they say, "you... you can come in now!"
I go in and walk over to the bath and pull the plug, "cold water gone."
"Why is there a curtain in the bathroom?"
"Because, if you're in the bath, the curtain makes you feel a bit less watched."
They give me a questioning look.
"I'm the king, okay? I feel watched all of the time."
I begin to run the hot water and add bubble mixture. They stare in awe at the gold water, "is that magic?"
"Technically, yes."
Once it's done running, we stand there a bit awkwardly, just looking at each other.
I clear my throat, "I-I'll go..."
I leave and as I'm closing the door, I can just make out their back half as they step into the bath. Once the door is shut, I leave the bedroom and place two guards outside the door...

I'm sat in the castle library, when a butler walks in, "your majesty?"
"Your guest wonders if they can explore the castle."
"If that is what they request, then fine."
"I shall go tell them, your majesty."
He walks away.

After a short while, I hear the library doors open again, and the pitter-patter of flat sole shoes.
Damien walks past and then stops when they notice me, "oh... I... I did not realise anyone was in here..."
"Go as you were."
They wander off and eventually, I hear fast paced breathing and crying.
I put a marker in the book and stand up. I follow the noise to find Damien leaning against one of the book shelves, holding them self up with one arm and holding their chest with the other.

"Are you alright?"
They burst into tears, "I can not get out!"
"Are you lost?"
"It- it is like a maze in here, and I-I-I don't know... I don't know the- the way out!"
"Let me help you."
I hold out my hand and they take it. I lead them back to the table where I was sat, "how about you read a book to calm down?"
"I... I can not..."
"Why not?"
"I can not read..."
"Please take me back to my room..."
I take them out of the library and to their room.
I ask, "how come you never use the shorter version of words?"
"I am sorry?"
"For instance, just then you said I am instead of I'm."
"And there is a problem with that?"
"Not really, I'm just wondering why."
"I do not know. I just talk like that."
"I shall try to form shorter sentences in the future."
"You don't have to, I was just pointing it out."
They close the door in my face.
"How rude!"
The guards either side chuckle.
"Both of you, shut it, now!"
I storm off and sit on my throne.
The genie turns to me, "it seems that you and the child have a very complicated relationship. Maybe you should let them roam around the castle for as long as they like, freely."
"No. They shall stay in there room until they learn to respect and obey me."
"Of course master, mind you, it was only a suggestion. Oh by the way, you have a guest."
A butler walks in, "you have a guest, your majesty."
"Lord Bottley."
"Isn't he the really short one?"
"Yes, your majesty. He also has a rather drunken temper."
"Oh, him. Send him in I suppose, the quicker we get on with it, the quicker we can get rid of him."
"Couldn't have said it better myself your majesty."
He leaves and then re enters with the Lord.
"Lord Bottley, of Bottley mansion!"
"Danny, my man! How's your day going?"
"Perfectly fine, thank you."
The Lord walks forward, and the butler retches and sticks a finger in his mouth, making me chuckle. He then chuckles, bows, and leaves, wafting the air in front of him like it smells. I cover my mouth to drown out my laughter and Lord Bottley looks at me confused, "what you laughing about?"
"Nothing Arthur, don't worry about it."
"Okay then!"...

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