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It's been around half a year since Damien first came to the castle. They always seem sad. I knock on their bedroom door, "Damien?"
"Come in."
I open the door, "how are you today?"
"I-I'm okay."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, I'm fff... fine."
"Okay. So... I was thinking... maybe you'd like to visit your family?"
"Wait, r-really?"
"Yes. I will accompany you, but I will stay in the carriage."
"Thank you!" They stand up and hug me, "thank you, thank you, thank you!"
"O...Kay... a bit... too... tight!"
"I-I'm sorry." They let go.
"Apology accepted. Now. Go get yourself ready!"
They smiled widely and rushed into the wardrobe.
That was the first time in a long time I had seen them happy.
I go and ready the carriage myself, and get my favourite butler to sit at the front.
Damien walks out of the castle in a beautiful gold gown, that fades into black. It's only a tad on the short side, but at least it won't get mucky on the floor. Their heels are also black and they seem to be wearing black tights underneath. I take their hand and help them into the carriage, and then I get in.

On the trip their, Damien looks out of the window and points everything out. We pass a church, and everyone is going in.
"It's not Sunday, what's everyone doing?"
I stick my head out of the window, and call to a man, "what's going on?"
"A wedding your majesty!"
"Between who?"
"Daisy Mae and Edmund Foster!"
Damien looks up, "what's going on?"
I look at him, "what's the last name of the man you love?"
"Why... why have we stop- stopped?"
They look out of the window, "what's going on?"
They get out of the carriage.
"Damien, where are you going?"
"I'm checking what's... checking what's going on"
"Do you want me to come with you?"
"N-no thank you."
They walk away from the carriage and into the church. I hear shouting from inside and then Damien runs back out, climbs back into the carriage and slams the door shut.
The butler looks through the small rectangle hole behind him, "everything alright?"
"Please take us back to the castle." Damien demands.
"Of course, m'lady."
The carriage starts up and Damien glares at the floor.
"Damien? Are you alright? What happened?"
"Edmund doesn't love me anymore..."
"He got tired of sitting and waiting for you to let me go..."
"I'm sorry."
"I donnn- I-I don... I do not want to continue to talk a- about it."
The rest of the trip back is silent.

When we do get back, Damien goes straight to their room, and don't reply when I knock on their door.
"Damien, please answer the door."
No response.
Again, nothing.
"I'm coming in, okay?"
I walk into the room and check every room but the bathroom. I take a deep breath and open the bathroom door and then immediately shut it when I see Damien undressing to go into the bath, "I am so sorry!"
I hear them get into the water and then they say, "I'm... I'm covered by the bub-bubbles if you... if you still want to come in."
I go in and see that the only visible part of their body is there shoulders and up.
"Are... Are you okay?"
"You aren't... upset by this whole ordeal?"
"I was, but n-not anymore."
"My life has been a whole lot better without him."
"I've practically kept you prisoner these past six months."
"Yes, but there's so much more to wear here, and I'm not the one having to cook for everyone, and the water is always hot when I want it to be. Not to mention all of the pretty jewellery, and a big bed that I don't have to curl up in."
"And no Edmund."
"Right, Well, I shall... leave you to your bath."
"Have you had a bath today?"
"Not yet."
"You could have a bath hear if you want? It- it's quicker than having to walk all the way to your bathroom."
"I... I don't..." I feel my face heat up.
"Are you embarrassed?"
"Haven't you ever shared a b-bath with someone?"
"No, I have not."
"Do you bath yourself?"
"Okay. Why don't you just take a bath in here?"
"I... no thank you..."
"Okay. I still don't see w-why not, it would be qui-quicker."
"I'm going to go now..."
I quickly leave and head to my own room. I look at myself in the mirror and my face is incredibly red.
"Oh my god, they... ugh..."
I hit myself in the face, "like they'd ever love you! You forced them to live here! But I suppose now, we can burn Edmunds house to the ground!"
I shake my head, "no. Damien wouldn't want that. Just... maybe... Just... give them gifts for now? Subtly hint... my... feelings... for them... ugh... why? Why do I feel this way? I shouldn't love them! They... they the child of a farmer! I'm a king! That... I'm supposed to marry a Queen or something. I-" there's a knock at the door, "are you done venting to yourself your majesty?"
"How much did you here!?"
"Don't worry, I won't tell them. But, I could subtly suggest that you want to have dinner with them? Maybe a romantic stroll in the garden?"
"Theo, they have Literally just gotten over a break up, pretty much, so you really think they'd actually be interested in sharing an evening with me? Let alone be interested in me?"
"You'd be surprised."
I poke my head around the door, "what does that mean?"
"I'm sorry, but a good best friend does not tell the secrets of their best friends. After all, I reached friendship bracelet level. I do not want to lose my friendship bracelet."
"Do... do they like me?"
"I cannot tell you, I'm sorry sir."
"What, do you to tell each other everything? Share embarrassing stories? Play dress up, curl each other's hair?"
"Sir, im seventy three and barely have any hair."
"Fair point."
"Should I go tell them you want to take them on a stroll around the gardens?"
"Um... yes."
"Very well sir."
He leaves and I can barely control my emotions...

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