Attachment issues

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Warning!! Sexual violence mentioned!! Viewer discretion advised!!
*Damiens POV*

I lay in my bed, struggling to fall asleep. It seemed like there was some sort of ghost wall a few feet away from my bed, and something was trying to get through. I closed my eyes, trying not to think about it.
Suddenly two of the others pinned Atlas down on his bed, covering his mouth and tying his hands. They looked at me and snickered.
I tensed up as I felt a hand rub against my thigh. I looked to see who it was. It was Luther. He was taking advantage of the fact that I couldn't scream for help. Only cry. He had two others pin Atlas down so that he couldn't protect me.
Luther chuckled and brought his face to my ear, "you're beautiful, you know that? I want you..."
His voice trailed off as he kissed my neck. I didn't push him away. I'd learnt by now, that it was better to let them do to you what they wanted to do, so that they wouldn't hurt you as much. It's why I'd willingly come to the castle in the first place. To escape him...

*flashback to the night before Damien left the farm*

I'm lying in my bed. It's up in the attic, but I don't mind. My father is asleep by the furnace in the cellar. Edmund is behind me.
"Tonight could be our last night together. Either I never see you again, or the last time you see me is in flames."
"Okay... what do you want to do?"
He runs his hand down my waist and hip, "why don't we have some fun?"
"I... I don't know..."
"Don't you love me?"
"I do love you, I- "
He's suddenly on top of me, his legs either side mine, and his hands either side of my shoulders.
"If you love me," he grins, "you'll let me have a little fun with you."
I take a deep breath as he runs one hand down my front and stops at my waist. I feel my face heat up as his hand gets incredibly close. He then moves it away and I let out a breath I didn't realise that I was holding in.
"Turn onto your stomach."
I do as I'm told.
"Good job, my little Neko."
I don't know why he calls me that, I'm not a Neko. I guess it's because I'm quite curious, like a cat. And generally affectionate with face rubs and I've been told that I purr. I don't think I do.

A small moan escapes my lips as he caresses my thighs. I know that he hurts me, but I don't want him to leave. I've become too attached to him, even though I'm scared of him. I can't help it, he's so loving towards me around my father. I like it when he loves me. I don't want him to hurt me again, I just want him to love me.
I remember the very first time he hurt me. I was fourteen. He was two years older than me. We'd been together a week, and he took advantage of how cat like I was. Especially in the spring and fall, when cats are usually... in heat. It was spring, and he hurt me really bad. But I didn't cry. I just... I was kind of okay with it. And I didn't break up with him, or tell anyone what he'd done to me.
I didn't want him to hurt me tonight though, I wanted our last night to be special. An evening stroll or something, not this. But I knew that if I didn't let him do this, he'd get mad at me. And I didn't like it when he was mad. He never paid me any attention. But without thinking, I turned onto my back and whispered, "please no... "
He scowled and sat up straight and crossed his arms.
"I thought you loved me."
He was guilt tripping me. And it was working. I sat up and wrapped my limbs around him. I kissed his neck, "please don't leave me... I love you... I love you I love you I love you... "
"No you don't."
"I do, I love you, please... please I love you..."
"Then why won't you let me do what I want?"
"You can do anything... please don't leave me... let's run away... then you can have me forever..."
next thing I know, we're running far through the fields, towards the middle. Out of ear shot of anyone.
He pins me to the floor. And I let him do to me what he wants. Even though I know it hurts....

*End of flashback*

Luther smiles, "Neko, ay? A sweet little nickname."
Had he seen my flashback?
"Well, I hope you'll be as willing to be as you were to your old sweetheart."
He chuckles and pins me to the bed face down. I can hear Atlas' muffled screams and shouts as he tries to break free. The other Night Bloods are laughing. Now I understand why that man said that they were worse than the people surrounding me on the metal table.
I know he's going to hurt me. But it's the closest to being loved I'll get down here. I might even become attached to him. Does it really matter wether I get attached or not? Ever believes I'm dead. I heard someone tell him that they were taking me to a funeral home or something to get me ready for burial. So clearly they've already had the funeral by now.
Luther begins to tear open the back of the garment I'm wearing.
I feel his hands run down my back, and he traces each bruise with his fingers, "it would seem this happens to you often."
It was true. Some of the guards would take advantage of the fact that I liked to spend time in the least visited parts of the castle. Piper had been getting guards to follow me around as he didn't trust me much. And the guards would corner me, make sure we were alone, and do what they wanted to me.
And Luther would now hurt me too.
"Don't worry, my precious little kitten." He muttered in my ear, "I won't be too violent."....

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