Another Damien!?

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*hehe, you can guess what this is about -w-*

*Damiens POV*

I look at the ghost wall. It seems to ripple. I've been here for I'd say around three weeks now. Luther always hurts me, whilst Atlas is pinned down. And I was right. I'm already becoming attached, because when I do as he says, he hurts me less, and tells me he loves me.
The ghost wall ripples again and something begins to stick through. It's long and black. A claw maybe?
More start to show up, and then theirs a hand, with white skin like mine. I look at my hand and then at the hand sticking through the ghost wall. It looks exactly like my hand, but slightly older. More of the arm sticks through and I see the cuff of a black shirt. Theirs a mini clock on their wrist. I quietly get up and grab the hand and shake it. They draw their hand back, and it curls, almost as if deciding something. I stick my hand through, and it disappears!! I pull my hand straight back and look at it. It's still attached to my body. The hand moves around grabbing for something. I poke their hand they point their thumb towards the ghost wall, and then point their index finger behind me. I grab their hand and pull them through. They look like me. Only... taller. I'd say I'm around six and a half feet, but they seem at least seven and a half.
"Oh my Gods!" They exclaim, "you're me!"
They have a very refined accent. They are also dressed quite smartly. I put my finger up to the mouth guard to tell them to shush and then point to the rest.
They continue the conversation in sign language.

*why are you here?* I ask.
*i'm exploring.*
*what's your name?*
*you know already.*
*this is weird. I'm talking to myself.*
*that's true. And yes, very weird.*
*where are you from?*
*Transylvania Romania.*
*you sound British.*
*I get that a lot. Why are you wearing a mouth guard?*
*i'm told it's a precaution. Are you from another universe?*
*i assume so?*
*my husband believes I'm dead.*
*oh my. Who is your husband?*
*king Daniel.*
*don't sign language yell at me. Also, my Daniel clearly isn't the same as your Daniel. Mine is a great king, and he loves me.*
*Well "My" Daniel, is mean and cruel, and I am basically his prisoner. He made himself king of the world for Petes sake. He uses a genie, my brother Piper, to get everything he wants.*
*Piper is my brother?*
*well I know he's mine, I don't know about you.*
*were you raised on a farm?*
*no, I was raised in a rather rich household and came into quite a large sum of money when my mother died when I was seventeen.*
*i was adopted by a farmer and his wife who found me in the middle of a wheat field.*
*you weren't raised by your real father either?*
*well, I assume our fathers are the same, and if so, his name is Caspien. Why are their bruises on your arms?*
*none of your business!*
I make sure that the string tying the back of my garment together is secure.
*okay, I won't ask again. How old are you?"
*im eighteen tomorrow.*
*i finally turn twenty one tomorrow.*
*i've been waiting four years. I age funny.*
*listen, I have to go, but here's some advice. Don't let any garnet or bloodstone pendants touch your chest.*
*why not?*
*it's the only way a Night Blood can be trapped. See you soon.*
They turn and disappear through the ghost wall.
I sit back down on my bed. I can't believe I just met... me. Older me! Not that much older, but still. It was like looking into a larger mirror of myself.
I lie down, looking up at the ceiling. I thought of the first line of the great Gatsby.
In my younger and more vulnerable years, my father gave me some advice that I've been turning in my head ever since.
I begin reciting what I remember of the book, to myself quietly. I wonder if other me ever did that with their favourite book...

I wake up in the morning and a guard hits his sword against the bars to wake us up.
He then drops a small box through the bars and walks away.
I walk over to it and open it. A bunch of necklaces with reddish gems as pendants are in the box. Atlas picks one up and tosses it up and down in his hand, "Garnet. All of them. What do we need these for?"
He goes to put it on but I snatch it away, remembering other mes advice. I put the box down and tell him in sign language that it's the only way to trap a Night Blood. Luther picks one up and throws it to the floor in disgust.
Casta picks up the pieces, "maybe I could make light catchers."
He finds twine and grabs the rest of the pendants and then sits on his bed. He was the only other one who wasn't mean. He hid in the corner whenever Luther wanted to hurt me, and wrapped his wings around himself.
Luther smiled at me, and grabbed me by the waste, "Happy birthday pretty Kitty."
I didn't think anyone was paying attention when I told them. Clearly he was. He pulled a sketchbook and pencil out of thin air and handed it to me. I looked at the smooth paper and then sat on my bed and began to scribble down the first line of The Great Gatsby, and then I drew what I though Nick would look like, and then Daisy and Tom and Daisys friend who I think was called jo. And then I drew Gatsby. Luther looked over my shoulder at the drawings, "The Great Gatsby?"
I nod.
He walks back to his bed and then I sit on Atlas' bed to watch Casta make the light catcher. When he's done, he goes over to the centre of the room where light shines in from the grate in the corridor that leads up to another cell where the light is shining through another grate in the floor of another cell, and the light is shining in from a barred window. If you stood in the right spot looking up in the right angle, you can just see the sky. The light hits the red jewels, casting rays of a purplish red light all around the room...

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