To Start Off: Headcanons

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A/N: I've always shipped them. Badass lesbian power couple is where it's at. These will most likely disclose anything that happens in Trials of Apollo. (Cough *Jason* Cough) Sorry not sorry.

Disclaimer- characters=not mine

1. Reyna hates nicknames from anyone else, but her heart melts a little every time Thalia sleepily mumbles "Morning Rey-Rey" when she wakes up. She only accepts them from Thalia.

2. Hylla was one of the first people to figure out that Reyna liked Thalia. When she visited camp Jupiter and Thalia casually hugged Reyna from the side (the hunters were also visiting) Hylla could see her blush and how badly she was trying to keep a straight face.

3. Thalia pulls Reyna's hair out of her braid all the time because she loves when her hair is down. Anytime Reyna takes it out herself Thalia gets really excited to play with her hair.

4. Reyna hates her eyes. Thalia loves them.

5. Once, Thalia got so excited while they were making out that she literally sparked and burned off the end of Reyna's eyebrow.
5.5 This led to the nickname "Firework" which Thalia wasn't too upset about, considering her other options usually consisted of "Pinecone" and "Face".

6. Thalia's cry is heartbreaking to Reyna because she knows something really bad had to happen for Thalia to actually shed a tear.

7. Thalia tries her best to make Reyna loosen up, but she notices that the tension never quite leaves her shoulders until they are in private.

8. When Thalia first told Reyna about her years as a tree she sort of expected her to laugh and try to make a joke out of it like everyone else. She didn't. Instead she just hugged her tightly. This surprised Thalia because Reyna isn't a very touchy person.

9. Thalia only learns of the abuse in Reyna's past when they got into an argument and Reyna flinched when Thalia raised a hand to run it through her hair. (I will probably make this a one shot).

10. Because Reyna isn't big on showing affection in public, Thalia and her have a kind of code. Three taps on the arm means "I love you".

11. Thalia is a walking ball of electricity in the winter. Being a child of Zeus with the added static electricity in the air means that Reyna gets shocked by her at least twice a day.

12. Thalia quit the hunt to be with Reyna after Artemis finds out about her feelings. She didn't punish Thalia because "at least the praetor isn't a boy".
12.5 Thalia is monumentally upset that Annabeth is now older than her.

13. Reyna is naturally warm and is like a personal space heater for Thalia.
13.5 This leads to lots of cuddles. Reyna is happy to oblige as long as they're alone.

14. Annabeth (with a bit of help from Piper) first noticed how much Thalia liked Reyna and could read all of the signs that most people wouldn't notice.

15. Sparring always ends in making out.

16. Forehead kisses from Thalia and a shoulder massage when Reyna has a long day.

17. Thalia knows exactly how to fluster Reyna. Reyna hates that she figured it out.

18. Thalia will play footy under the table with Reyna at legionnaire meetings.She loves to do it because she can see Reyna fighting to keep her composure.
18.5 After one particularly risky time, Reyna nearly jumped on Thalia right after all the others had cleared out.

19. Reyna teasing Thalia with feather-light kisses that frustrate Thalia to no end.

20. Reyna is the only person other than the obvious (Annabeth, Jason, Chiron, Percy, etc.) who Thalia opens up to about personal problems (even before they were dating).

21. Thalia has only seen Reyna in a bathing suit once, and it just about made her pass out.

22. Reyna putting tiny braids in Thalia's hair that look ridiculous because of how short and choppy her hair is.

23. Thalia is the only other person allowed to ride Scipio, but only when Reyna accompanies her.
23.5 This is Reyna's way of helping Thalia overcome her fear of heights. Thalia wants absolutely nothing to do with it at first, but grows to enjoy their flights over Camp Jupiter.

24. Thalia gets jealous beyond reason when Reyna gets hit on in the mortal world. Reyna is rather oblivious to the whole thing except when it is blatantly obvious.
24.5 Because Reyna doesn't read as "gay" as much as Thalia does, most of her so called "admirers" are men.

25. Reyna despises being tickled. This doesn't stop Thalia and it never will.
25.5 Reyna always gets her back because Thalia is ticklish pretty much everywhere.

26. As much as she hates herself for it, Reyna can't help but feel a little insecure about all her scars. Thalia is quite shocked because she thought Reyna wouldn't be one to worry about that, but she talks to Reyna about it and ends up making her feel much better.

27. Sometimes Thalia takes Reyna's purple cloak and hides it in bizarre places all over her villa. One time Reyna found it cramped into a Tupperware container and shoved in the fridge. The coolness actually felt nice.

28. Thalia loves Green Day. Reyna can't stand it. They settle for Queen.

29. Reyna has a truly melodic voice even though she doesn't sing that often, although she will sing Thalia to sleep if she wakes up from a nightmare.

30. Reyna swears in Spanish often when they're making out or in bed. Thalia thinks it is the hottest thing ever.

31. Thalia experiments with eyeliner and it's safe to say that Reyna is #whipped.

32. Hylla will purposely embarrass Reyna during her visits to Camp Jupiter by telling Thalia stories about when she was little.
32.5 Reyna easily gets back at her by getting some choice information from Annabeth.

33. Thalia can't sit normally. It's impossible for her.

34. Thalia giggles sometimes. Like actually giggles. Reyna thinks it's cute.

35. Reyna will sometimes rant in Spanish and all Thalia can do is stand silently and try to gauge what the proper reaction is.

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