The Rescue 🌶

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Hunter POV

I wake up to Jacob leaning over me. He helps me to my feet. "Where do you think she is?" I say. "Hellraisers," he says, as he grabs a lipstick container off the ground. "Megan." I snarl. I walk out and throw myself on my bike. Jacob runs after me, gets on his and slips his mask on. I'm hoping they didn't fucking do anything to her yet. We roar up our motorcycles and drive to the Hellraisers Clubhouse. We get there and there's only 1 Harley parked upfront. Jacob and I bust in like motherfucking cowboys. I'm guessing they didn't know we knew they had Kim, because they were all just drinking beers.

Joe, Megan, and Dad. "'Slinger' we got you a present," Victor says, pointing to a door. My heart stops. What the fuck am I going to find behind this door?


I heard voices from behind the door. As I lay trapped to a fucking bed, mascara ruined. I was naked and fucking freezing. And I was still bleeding out. My whole body was aching, there are scratches and cuts and bruises all over my body. My hair was a tangled mess and my lipstick,  I was sure, was smudged. I really hope Hunter comes to save me, but I don't want him to see me like this.

As I hear the door unlock, I already dread who is about to come through.  The door opens and I see Hunter, his eyes light up. He leaves the door open a crack and comes over to my ear. "Scream," he whispers. I honestly thought he was crazy at the time.

But he clapped his hands hard and I screamed, as loud as I could. He did it again, and I screamed. Even though he didn't actually hurt me, he looked really upset. He unstrapped me from the bed, and he picked me up. "Play dead," he whispered. I let my head fall back and my body go limp in his arms, My eyes shut. I feel him carry me out of the room. "Oh God," Jacob says. "Good Son," The old man says smirking.  Wait that's Hunter's dad.  The leader of the Hellraisers is Hunter's dad!  Fuck!  Hunter played me, hard.    "I'm going to take her as a trophy," He says. "Alright, her stuff is over there," Megan says, pointing to a corner of the room.

"Jacob, grab it," Hunter says. "She was a good fuck, brother," Joe says. At that moment,  Hunter almost dropped me. But, he held in the urge to hit joe and walked out of the clubhouse. Jacob came with us and he let me ride behind him on his bike, with my own jacket on. But, it was still very uncomfortable. The wind wasn't helping my already aching body. Soon, we got back to my clubhouse. Daniel was wiping up blood, sweat dripping off his forehead. Hunter, Jacob and I got off the bikes. Once Daniel saw how beat up I was, he immediately ran over. He started making sure I was ok. Hunter got a little upset when Daniel started to pick me up.

I smiled at Hunter, although it probably didn't look like a smile, just a really big mess. Daniel carried me upstairs and Hunter and Jacob followed. Daniel laid me on the bed, and for a moment I could have sworn, I saw Hunter's eyes flash with hunger. Daniel gets me one of his t-Shirts out of the closet and I slip it on. Hunter's eyes go to pure rage, and the fact that the President and the Vice President of a MC shared a bedroom. Yeah, I don't think that's a good image. Suddenly, Hunter wasn't able to control himself and he pinned Daniel against the wall. "Look man, I'm just helping her," Daniel pleaded.

As Hunter drew his gun from his holster, he backed away from Daniel. He pointed the gun at him and then "Bang!!" Hunter missed the shot and he couldn't believe it, his hand was shaking. He put the gun in his holster and walked downstairs. Jacob followed. Once we heard them drive off, Daniel sat on the bed next to me. "What was that about?" He says. "He has rage issues," I say. "Don't we all," Daniel chuckles. "Can you uh," I forget what I was going to say. "Fix you up?" He asks. "Yes," I say. He goes downstairs. He comes back with whiskey and the first aid kit. He starts by making me remove my shirt.

And then he sees all the bruises on my thighs and chest. He sees cuts on my arm and has me hold it out. Without warning, he pours the whiskey on my arm. I scream. "Sorry," he says. His Eyes look hungrily across my body as he's wrapping my arm. He finishes wrapping my arm and hands me the bottle of whiskey. I take a long gulp of it. He sits back down on the other side of the bed. His eyes are still hungry. I could tell he was horny as fuck, the way he watched me like I was a very dramatic action movie or car race. I got drunk fast, but I didn't care because it numbed the pain.

After I got numb feeling, I stopped and put down the whiskey. Daniel still having eyes on me, watches me slip on the shirt he gave me and I start unbuttoning his jeans. He went to stop me but was interrupted by me stroking his throbbing cock. He started to moan as I gave him a hand job. He inched his fingers little by little to my pussy. And started rubbing my clit gently. It was pleasurable at first, but it started to hurt and I made him stop. He frowned and made me stop right when he was on the edge. "If you don't get to, I don't either," he said as he buttoned his jeans and tapped the bed next to him. He held me in his arms for a while and we fell asleep.

The Hunt For Love (Book 2): The Fight.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora