Chapter 8: Round One

Start from the beginning

I quirked an eyebrow, and snorted a "Huh," then I stepped back, nodding my head in acceptance.

I respected that.

"Elijah?" We both turned when Angelina poked her head out. "Evan?" I watched her smile widely. "What are you doing here so late?"

I looked back to him and he had his eyes trained on me. I put out my hand. "I'm Elijah."

He looked to my hand and back to his sister. "Evan." He gave me a head nod and walked past me.

I nodded, watching him go.

"B, where the fuck have you been?" He engulfed her in a hug that made her feet rise from the floor.

She laughed. "Nowhere-"

He put her back down. "Nowhere? You weren't at work the other night. You disappear for the whole weekend with some guy," he briefly looked back to me. "-and you haven't been picking up your phone?I thought you just wanted your space and then I ran into Sam last night and he says that you missed school Monday. Are you sick?" He rambled. "Did you go to school yesterday at least?"

"No, I'm not sick." Angelina whispered, eying me. "-and I did go to school yesterday."

"If you guys want to go in and talk-I'll be out here." I said.

Angelina shook her head no, while Evan nodded his head yes.

"You can say front of him." Angelina waved her hand. "Let's go in." She opened the screen door.

Evan went in first, I took the door from Angelina, while she went in and I paused, wondering if I should just go. Before Angelina got too far, I took her by the hand.

"Did you want me to take off?"

"No," she blurted quickly, briefly turning to her brother. "He won't stay long." She whispered.

I nodded. "I'll wait in your bedroom." I looked to Evan.

He was shaking his head in disapproval about something, and I wasn't sure anymore if I wanted to leave Angelina alone with him.

"Damn B, can't you clean this place up?" He moved some crap off the couch.

"Shut-up. Like your place is any cleaner." Angelina rolled her eyes, and I felt extremely uncomfortable.

This day can't get any crazier.

"It's cleaner than this-" he plopped himself down. "Now tell me what's going on with you? And who the fuck he is? I'm guessing he's the guy you took off with this weekend?"

I raised an eyebrow, grinning at him, and sitting on the arm of the loveseat.

"This is Elijah." Angelina leaned into me; I wrapped my arm around her waist. "We went to his brother's wedding. It was in the city, so I stayed." She shrugged. "Then over slept."

"You over slept?" He asked her, keeping his eyes on me.

"I never miss school. It's not a big deal." She said.

I chuckled. "Why so concerned now?" I asked. "It's Wednesday."

"Who the fuck asked you?"

"Whoa!" I shouted through a chuckle. "If I was worried about my sister, I would have stopped by on Sunday...just saying."

Evan grit his teeth together and stood up.

I did too.

"Evan." Angelina hissed, pulling me back down.

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